Do We Really Need Another Bailout?

For months, we have been told there is a need for another government bailout program for the American people. In fact, Greenwich Time explains 7.8 million Americans have fallen into poverty since Summer.

We are going to dive into this subject, but first, I want you to think about this.

Should there be another bailout?

Americans have not done anything that should have left them jobless and with closed down businesses. They are the result of a pandemic, their children may even be going hungry at this point…

So should the government step in to help them?

The paragraph above is what you will typically hear from the mainstream media. The ol tug on our heart so we all agree to another bailout. However, that is not the answer, in fact, it’s only enslaving the people even more.

Another bailout increases government debt by printing more money into existence. That makes the money in our pockets worth even less, its buying power decreases with every new dollar that is printed. It’s a double whammy, we lose.

Everyone keeps looking at stimulus, and all our problems through the lens that government and the mainstream media want us to focus through.

We need God’s Word right now.

God speaking,

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Hosea 4:6

God just said, we as a people, a Christian people are destroyed due to a lack of knowledge.

We are constantly outwitted by the enemy. The enemy controls just about everything, the mainstream and social media, etc. There are no new thoughts in these places, they are only echo chambers for what they want you to believe. Thoughts on the left and right.

So all the media outlets constantly repeat we need more stimulus, we the people need another bailout check, more unemployment benefits, and another extension on our rent or mortgage as we are busted.

Of course, COVID-19 is then blamed for the crisis.

Now that right there, that is the biggest lie of our lifetime, and due to that lie and our “lack of knowledge,” we have become destroyed.

Look at us, look at our nation, it’s in shambles right now!

The government would love to give you another bailout.

You know why?

It shuts you up.

It keeps you quiet.

You get your check, you go to Walmart and Amazon, the fat cats get fatter, and it kicks the can, the problem down the road all while indebting our nation even further. All nations continue this same cycle, over and over again.

However, there will be a breaking point, and it’s going to lead to a new global economic union.

Friends, all the stimulus checks are doing is enabling our own complacency, and the government knows this very well. Our Republican and Democrat governments. The same Republican government that still has the COVID-19 national emergency in place.

Think about this…

If the government did not pass more bailouts, and the people ran out of money, they would go hungry, and be kicked out of their homes. That would mean millions upon millions of Americans would begin to starve, and when people go hungry, they get desperate.

This desperation would lead to mass protests which would certainly turn violent and they would be directed at our Republican and Democrat governments, our elected officials.

Our government knows this very well. That is why we keep getting the same line from them, more bailouts for the people to shut you up.

The best thing that could happen to this nation is the people go broke, and we revolt against our elected officials, all of them, every last rotten law-breaking one. We would revolt against their illegal mandates, their illegal executive orders which defy the Constitution of the United States and the will of “We The People”.

Then we could make a stand together as we would have one commonality among us, poverty and despair. Then we could make real changes, but it’s not going to happen.

The enemy knows this. So they will provide you with distractions and money, they will string you along in order to promote the globalist agenda that is unfolding before our eyes.

Before you go shouting about the Democrats, and protecting your Republican friends, you remember everything I said in this article.

More importantly, you remember what God said,

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge.

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