Don’t Let Envy Lead You, It Leads To Ruin

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Philippians 2:3

Now there’s some wisdom we should apply to our life.

As Christians, we are never to allow strife to determine our actions. We never want to let strife lead our decisions and be what comes out of our mouths. That just leads to ruin.

By the way, did you catch the word “vainglory” there?

It means, “self conceit”.

So don’t let “strife” which is “bitterness,” and “self conceit” lead you. All those things do is puff you up, probably for no good reason. Worse yet, they lead you away from God and toward the works of Satan.

We don’t want that dude to win. Satan’s rewards are temporary and always lead you to ruin.

Strife Leads The World

Strife and self conceit is what directs the world. It’s what makes the news headlines.

It’s all about money and power.

It’s about suckering the peoples of the world to accept the narrative of a select few, whose ambitions are placed above the citizenry.

Those are the reasons why the headlines read the way they do.

We are manipulated so someone can get ahead at the expense of someone else. Honestly, it’s the same tired story that always has been. In fact, it even marks the fall of Satan, which is the reason you and I are here today.

So, instead of relishing in our own personal victories, achievements, and wealth, we are supposed to…

Philippians 2:4
Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.


Can you imagine if we all did that?

Can you imagine how much better the world would be?

Instead of letting strife and self-conceit lead our way, we are to “in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves”. We are not to focus on our own dealings solely, but “also on the things of others.”

Do you know why?

If uplifts the body of Christ, which is the church.

How about two examples?

Daniel Was A Real Leader

Do you remember the story in the book of Daniel, when he was appointed the top dog under king Nebuchadnezzar?

What was the first thing he did?

Daniel brought up his buddies with him! He ensured they came out of the dungeon and went right to the penthouse, (Daniel 2:48-49). Hey, Daniel could have relished in his own rewards, but he thought about others before himself.

What a sage.

How about another example from the past?

Envy Of The Jews

If you recall from Scripture, the Jews of the synagogue were the religious leaders of the time. They were equivalent to the mega churches and denominations that exist today.

Now, these boys had so much envy and hatred in their hearts for Christ, they ensured He was put to death, (Mark 15:10). After Christ was crucified, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven, the persecution continued for those who followed Jesus.

Acts 13:50
But the Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts.

Also: Acts 14:2-4, 17:5, 13

The Jews stirred up everyone in the community, all for their own gain and betterment, (just like the news headlines). You see, accepting Jesus and following His Words meant, the people did not need to adhere to the boys of the synagogue.

That meant, they were going to lose power and wealth.

Ahh… Same tired story.

That is exactly what today’s verse is warning us against. Hey, we always have examples in Scripture that teach us what to do, what not to do, and why.

Let me add one more point here.

Never let someone’s position or status in society make you believe they are honorable. Instead, let their works, actions, and deeds determine that for you, (Matthew 7:16-20).

Envy And Strife Are Evil

Check this out.

James 3:16
For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

If there is envy and strife in your heart, it’s wicked, evil, from the Devil.

  • Do you really want that in your heart?
  • Do you really want that directing your path?

Nope, not me!

Instead, we should seek after “charity” which is love.

1 Corinthians 13:4, 6
4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up

6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

Also: Proverbs 10:12

If we can do that, as an individual, we are well on the road to enhancing our own life, and those around us.

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