He That Is Not Against Us, Is For Us

For he that is not against us is on our part.

Mark 9:40, Luke 9:50

Jesus spoke these words to His Disciples, but why?

In verse 38, John told Jesus,

Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us.

The Disciples rebuked another Christian for casting out an evil spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.

Does that sound like the right course of action?

Let’s see how Jesus responded.

…Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.

Mark 9:39

No one can perform a miracle in the name of Jesus and be our enemy.

Perhaps, the Disciples were a bit jealous that someone else was doing the same work they were doing. We do know, they once debated among themselves who was the greatest, (Luke 9:46).

The Great Christian Divide

Considering the state of our world, we must take note of this critical Biblical example and apply it to our life.

Today, many Christians have allowed themselves to be divided from one another. We have allowed much strife into our Christian families. Not just our own household, I am talking about Christianity in general.

While we all believe in Jesus Christ, we have allowed certain doctrines, politics, health decisions, and our worldview to separate us from each other.

Have you noticed that?

It used to be that Christ bonded us together…

Not these days.

Instead, we allow Satan in-between us. So we fight and bicker over the pettiest of things.

We will destroy our Christian brothers if they support the wrong political candidate. We will vilify our Christian brothers depending on the Biblical doctrine they might hold. We will shame our Christian brothers for their own healthcare decisions and beliefs.

  • We quickly forget, our belief in Jesus is what truly matters.
  • We quickly forget, Jesus is what binds us together.

Is Jesus not the Savior of the world?

  • Why then do we turn on one another over beliefs based on the world?
  • Why do we become so upset with each other?
  • Why do we act as if our beliefs are a competition, as to who knows the most?

All of those beliefs come and go my friends.

Our belief in Jesus Christ is everlasting. Yet, we quickly forget that, and we treat our fellow Christians as second-rate if their worldview does not align with our own.

Is that really the way of a Christian?

No, it is not.

If we do not change our act, we are no better than the heathen.

Remember what Jesus said,

“For he that is not against us is on our part.”

He who stands with Christ is with Christ.

Do you really want to vilify your Christian brothers, when they stand with our Lord and Savior?

Do you really want to create strife over worldly beliefs?

We are united in Christ, either you believe it, and live it, or you don’t.

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