Euro Human Rights Court: Vaccines ‘Necessary In A Democratic Society’

The world cannot seem to make up its mind about COVID-19. Many U.S. states have re-opened and their COVID-19 numbers are dramatically falling. Yet, in socialist Europe, they continue to implement lockdowns and erode the freedom of the people, (P.S. that creepy building is the court!).

Unfortunately, it just got a whole lot worse in Euro-Land.

The European Court of Human Rights (EHCR) ruled on Thursday that obligatory vaccinations can be seen as necessary in democratic societies, in a landmark judgement after a complaint brought by Czech families over compulsory jabs for children.


This is pretty shocking actually.

According to this report, this ruling cannot be repealed and comes from a Czech case that was filed between 2013-2015, well before the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The… measures could be regarded as being ‘necessary in a democratic society‘” the court ruled, saying that the Czech health policy was consistent with the “best interests” of children.

This “in the best interest of the children” line comes from the nonsensical belief that, “It takes a community to raise a child”. A lot of people latched onto that one. In reality, it takes the parents of the child to raise that child. I wouldn’t allow anyone to help raise my kids.

Have you seen the way kids behave these days?


No discipline. Little baby boo boo can have whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

Yet, the government expects to know what is best for your kids. The same government promoting the homosexual agenda.

Nicolas Hervieu, a legal expert specializing in the ECHR said,

The judgement endorses “the principle of social solidarity which can justify imposing vaccination on everyone, even those who feel less threatened by the disease, when it comes to protecting the most vulnerable people.”

Social solidarity?

Imposing vaccination on everyone?

These are not the laws of a free nation, rather a dictatorship and that is what global government is all about my friends. That is what the COVID-19 pandemic is all about. Removing our rights no matter the nation we live in. It is causing nations to work together like never before in an effort to consolidate power.

All in the name of peace and safety of course.

Speaking of safety…

World Health Organization Casts More Doubt On Vaccine Safety

Let’s talk about vaccine safety since it ties directly to this story.

According to a United Nations article citing the World Health Organization,

“Based on current information, a causal relationship between the vaccine and the occurrence of blood clots with low platelets is considered plausible but is not confirmed.”

They had enough evidence to make this statement, which is disturbing enough considering the European Court of Human Rights latest ruling.

Negative Vaccine Press Coverage

Then we have this Politico article:

Now let’s stitch some more facts together here:

A government has no right or authority to force anyone to accept a vaccine. They cannot usurp our free will as men and woman. This is a violation of natural law itself.

Mankind has flourished for thousands and thousands of years. We do not need governments making decree’s and rulings that aim to remove our rights over an “invisible enemy”.

Do not forget what this is all about…

Global government.

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