Best-Selling Devotional Includes Prayer Asking God To “Help Me To Hate White People”

Folks, this world is so messed up. Despite this book being number 1 on Amazon’s Christian Meditation & Devotion Section, I know most people do not agree with the author. After scanning through the reviews on Amazon, I highly doubt most people made it to the hate filled portion of this book.

Unfortunately, this book is also sold by Walmart and Target.

Why and how can these companies sell these hate filled books, but they cannot sell Dr. Suess?

We have a double standard here, one that seeks to promote true hate and descrimination.

God Help Me Hate Whites

So here is the “prayer” found in this rotten book.

Dear God, Please help me to hate White people. Or at least to want to hate them. At least, I want to stop caring about them individually and collectively. I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, and they can stop being racist.

Walker-Barnes, a clinical psychologist and ecumenical minister

While the Bible tells us we should pray for our enemies. Walker considers White people to be her enemy, and actually asked God to help her hate Whites.

Now if that is not sick and twisted, I don’t know what is.

Manufactured Racism

All of this was sparked by the death of a criminal who became a star in death. This was simply the reason used to push racism front and center. Right when America was devastated by a false pandemic. In just one year’s time, look how our world has changed. None of that was an accident.

Now books are published on the biggest market places in the world that promote the hate of one race. It is nearly unfathomable to me.

Walker calls herself a Christian Minister, yet she does not bring the gospel of Christ. This means she is in the spirit of the antichrist. Not The Antichrist. I tell you what, her god is not my God, that is for certain. She serves the same god(s) as this guy.

Dividing The People

We will only continue to see this sort of agenda unfold before our eyes. Wicked teachers will be promoted, while good teachers are banished from public view.

This is all about conditioning society to accept a new mental and spiritual focus. Even if you do not believe something, the more it is hammered on you, day in and day out. Sooner or later, these thoughts can even begin to overtake you or change your frame of mind.

That is the goal.

If we all hate each other, then we are more easily divided. If we are divided we cannot stand.

What then is it we are being kept from?

We are being kept from the truth in Jesus Christ and to stand for Him. We are being kept from the love of country and individuality. Instead, we are being led to accept a globalist notion of “unity”, “equality” and “inclusion”. A lie, manufactured by the wicked.

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