Experts Predict The Next Global Crisis Could Be Food Shortages

Unfortunately, we are going to see “global crisis” after “global crisis” for a while, maybe even from here on out…

This short video summed it up pretty well. Nations around the world are beginning to halt food exports in order to protect their nation and people from starvation.

U.S. Plowing Crops Under

In the United States, we just plow our crops under the soil, and destroy our beef. Truly disturbing. If we are going to shut down food production out of concern for spreading COVID-19, then we should also shut down government, banks, and so on.

Yeah! Let’s become completely stupid, and shut it all down, and see what happens. Because the wizards in charge never saw this coming right?

Wrong, they are liars and deceivers.

They knew this was going to happen. You would have to be a complete and utter fool not to have seen this coming as a result of locking down our nations.

The genius in Oregon is keeping the state locked down until July 6th as 109 people died due to COVID-19. Meanwhile, 87 have died due to traffic accidents.

Do these people not think?

Maybe we should stop driving and selling cars too…

Let’s not look past the Oregon Commie’s opening date, July 6th, two days after Independence Day.

It looks like Independence Day has been cancelled…

How symbolic for the hour we find ourselves in.

USDA To Buy $470 Million In Food

Finally, the USDA will step in and buy food for hungry Americans. Now that 30 million Americans have lost their jobs, there are more hungry Americans than ever all due to this government-created crisis.

Things are not going to get better anytime soon, if ever.


Friends, they stopped our world. You cannot do that and expect everything to return to normal.

The new normal will more than likely be discussions about a new world order in the near future. Get set for it, it appears to be coming.

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