Facebook’s Big Change Suppresses “Misinformation” + Florida Big Tech Bill

According to Facebook’s blog post, they will now take “stronger action against people who repeatedly share misinformation”. Misinformation is anything that does not agree with the radical left.

Facebook adds,

Whether it’s false or misleading content about COVID-19 and vaccines, climate change, elections or other topics, we’re making sure fewer people see misinformation on our apps.

In other words, Facebook is banning everything.

If Facebook deems a post “misinformation”, it will be demoted and flagged for those who do manage to find it.

Facebook’s blog post adds, before “liking” or following a page that has shared “misinformation”, you will see a notification asking if you really want to follow this ill-informed page.

As we have said many times now. These social networks have turned into hubs of thought control. The only thoughts not flagged are those who are in line with Facebook’s radical agenda. If you are hoping to find truth on Facebook, think again.

As some of us have learned, Facebook is not a guardian of truth. In fact, there truth changes from day to day. Facebook recently announced they will no longer ban posts claiming COVID-19 is man made. Which goes to show, they should have never banned the posts to begin with.

Playing Facebook is allowing others to control your thoughts and perception of reality. Worse yet, helping to fund the cause.

Florida Gov. Signs Historic Bill To Stop Big Tech Censorship

That’s the way some headlines read. Yet, when you dive into the details, the bill does not seem that impressive. It seems more like propaganda to pump Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for a Presidental run.

Essentially the bill “provides” Florida residents the right to sue social media giants for monetary damages up to $100,000 if they have been censored.

Since when does anyone need authority to sue anyone?

That’s enough for me to hit the pause button. We live in a truly distorted world. One where even information against our enemy is spun into an exaggeration to make it sound like a victory for the people.

Will the people really benefit from this bill?

One can only hope.

Then again, if you don’t use social media, it doesn’t matter.

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