Europes New Rainbow Index Of Churches Measures LGBT Inclusiveness

Unfortunately, churches have been in decline for generations, and our enemy seeks to finish their destruction. In Europe, the homosexual mafia has escalated its attack on the church by driving a wedge into it.

The European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups launched a campaign to gauge the “inclusiveness” of European churches.

They explain,

The EF saw the need for ‘hard facts’ on European churches’ inclusivity to provide churches with an incentive to grow towards a higher level of inclusivity and to convey to these churches practices and policies that would enhance their performance.

In essence, the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups has set out to brainwash and guilt the church into accepting sin. In their mind, it is a foregone conclusion, homosexuals must be included in every level of church, from; leadership, to documentation, to congregants themselves.

It is a fact, a church cannot be a Christian church and accept and promote sin. Once they do that, no matter their name or title, they disqualify themselves as a church of God, and instead, they become a church of Satan.

You want to remember, Jesus Christ was upset with five of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 for failure to adhere to His Word.

This group, the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups is in fact a tool of Satan.

What we are witnessing today is exactly how pagan beliefs made their way into the church. I am speaking of holidays like Easter and the distorted way we celebrate Christmas today.

How Churches Become Inclusive

I want to show you just how disturbing, forceful, and blunt this brainwashing campaign is. If you reference this PDF, and jump down to page 36, we discover how the churches are rated, and how they earn their LGBT inclusive scores.

Some of the criteria explains churches:

  • Should not use the Bible as a source to define homosexuality as sin.
  • Promote LGBT members into church ranks
  • Include LGBT beliefs into legal documents
  • Include diversity language in leadership and legal documents (prayer and worship services)
  • Churches should bless same-sex marriages
  • Advocate for the LGBT clergy association
  • Promote adoption by LGBT couples

Reading the document provides numerous examples, and each church is rated by how well they conform to these homosexual principles.

Satan is in the church.

There is no other way to say it, and our church leaders have allowed him to break through the front door unabated.

I have news for you, even if every church in the world accepted the homosexual ideology, that would not make homosexuality righteous. God’s Word is never changing. Homosexuality is a sin, and it always will be a sin, (Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1:27, 1 Timothy 1:10).

European Churches Interactive And Inclusive Map

If you visit the homepage of this radical homosexual group, you are presented with an interactive map of European nations, and how well their churches conform to sin. The details are disturbing, but take a moment to review them for yourself.

I noticed by clicking the abominable rainbow-colored cross, you are taken to the “European Forum of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Christian Groups”. That is a site all about promoting “LGBT Christians”.

Folks, you cannot be a homosexual Christian, it’s just not going to work. It’s not Biblical. This is simply an attempt to distort God’s Word to conform to the world. Jesus already told you, we cannot conform to the world, (John 15:18-21).

Those that do, will certainly go down with Babylon, (Revelation 18).

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