Flip-Flop: Trump Signs 5,593 Page, $2.3T COVID-19 Relief Bill NO ONE READ

Just days ago, President Trump explained to the American people what a disgrace the 5,593 page COVID-19 Relief Bill was. He was right, the COVID-19 Relief Bill was $900B alone, and combined with another spending bill it came to a whopping $2.3 Trillion that America simply does not have.

President Trump went on to explain, he would not sign the bill, unless Congress removed all the unnecessary spending. Unless Congress bumped the bailout for Americans from $600 each to $2,000 each.

Of course, that is not the answer to the problem, but that is what the man said.

Now, just days later, President Trump has signed the COVID-19 Relief Bill as it stands!

Talk about a disgrace!

This man turns my stomach, after sounding like a real American and calling the bill for what it is. He turns on his own words and signs the bill.

You know, we have been telling you for years this man is a Reality TV Star, he is simply playing his part to the very end. What division he has caused in this nation.

As I read about this news this morning, and Trump’s latest flip flop, it reminded me of James 1:8, a verse we shared with you years ago concerning Trump.

Let me share that with you,

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

James 1:8

It was true then, and it’s still true of our commentary on him. He is double minded and any man or woman who is, is unstable. You don’t follow someone who is unstable, you know why?

You cannot count on them.

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