The Great Canadian Freedom Convoy

Update: Canada – Federal government invokes Emergencies Act for first time ever in response to protests. PM Trudeau said, “This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting people’s jobs and restoring confidence in our institutions.”

No, this is about being a dictator. Maybe he missed the Super Bowl in the U.S. with 70,000 fans without masks. In radical liberal California no less. Trudeau and all would-be dictators live in a fantasy world. I pray this does not become violent, if it does, the blood is on Trudeau’s hands.

As it turns out, Multiple Canadian premiers oppose Trudeau invoking Emergencies Act. Trudeau is only digging his grave further.

Are you folks seeing this stuff?

Amazing things continue to happen in Canada! This is so very inspiring.

The old-school media is still not reporting on this. The media continues to ignore the people of the world who want to be free. All they are reporting on is arrests being made, which paints the protesters in a negative light.

Nevertheless, we are all witnessing world history, once again!

Keep God in prayer!

Listen to these fired up Canadians!

Canada, we are proud of you! 🇨🇦

Australia Not To Be Left Out!

9News takes notice

Europe Wants In On The Action

The people of the world continue to unite against their governments. We are witnessing this from some of the most oppressed nations on earth. These nations have not historically been oppressive to their people.

No, these nations have been free nations. Yet, with the advent of COVID, would-be dictators have arisen and choked out freedom in the name of peace and safety. However, the people have finally had enough. They do not want COVID passports or to scan a QR code in order to go shopping.

The people have said, enough is enough!

In France, it’s being reported that 360,000 citizens have organized and are descending on the capital! There have been reports and video footage of police using tear-gas on the people.

Law enforcement the world over

The people protesting against mandates and the removal of our freedom are the only ones left who support you. We are freedom-loving people who love our nation’s founding documents. We love law enforcement who stands by those laws.

Stand with us!

More from the world

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s Sinking Poll Numbers

Just 16% of Canadians say they would “vote for him because of how he has dealt with the situation” concerning the truckers.

Look what else they are saying about Trudeau…

“The last time I’ve seen numbers even close to this were in the final days of Brian Mulroney. I think this could cost him his job,” John Wright, executive vice-president of Maru Public Opinion and a 32-year industry veteran told the Edmonton Journal.

Canadian Updates

Our governments and megacorps are criminal. They are run by the same cabal. Many have often wondered why someone from the Executive level of a megacorp making millions would move to a government position with a paltry wage.

It’s about power and money. It’s always been about power and money, (Ezekiel 28:16, 18).

These people only care about themselves and their globalist utopian vision.

Even The Libs Are Starting To Get It

Bill Maher on Trudeau: ‘Now You Do Sound Like Hitler’


Noteworthy U.S. News

Americans, our federal government has become the enemy of the people. They let in illegals by the millions breaking our own laws. Yet, they call us the enemy for standing by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

They need illegals to expand corporations and increase the wealth of the ultra elite. I don’t care what country you reside in, or what political party you support. The story is the same. Just look at the illegal and legal immigration in your nation.

Foreigners have taken over, and megacorps and government support it, all in the name of profit. There is nothing wrong with some legal immigration, that’s great. What we have is excessive, and it has changed our nations in profound ways and will continue to do so.

The primary nations that have allowed uncontrolled illegal/legal immigration are the Western Nations. They have corrupted themselves, the supposed and once Christians nations.

No other countries have allowed such radical transformation to their citizenry. China is still filled with Chinese. Japan is still filled with Japanese, you get the point? That is not racist, that is them protecting their culture, identity, and heritage.

In America, our national identity is deemed racist and torn down. Regardless of past right or wrongs, it’s still your nation’s history. Learn from it, good or bad.

Biblical Reflections

What is transpiring around the world reminds me of,

Luke 21:25
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

As I have always said, as a Christian and believer in the Bible. It is your duty to always do what is right.

Do you know why?

The reason is simple.

God is right. God is just and truthful. Always stand with the side that wants freedom as that is from your Heavenly Father.

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