1 In 10 LGBTQ Attempt Suicide Thanks To Parents And Church Acceptance

What has happened to our world?

Society has completely changed, society has completely collapsed.

The Hill reports 1 in 10 LGBTQ youth attempted suicide in the last year.

That doesn’t mean 1 in 10 thought about it, that means 1 in 10 kids actually tried to murder themselves.

Can you believe that or even comprehend what it means?

It means society is on a freight train to hell.

I mean that.

Our Godless society is brainwashing our children to become homosexual. Brainwashing them to be “transgender.” Look people, there’s no such thing as “transgender.” It’s made up, it’s a mental illness. If you were born with giblets, well then buddy, you’re a man. If you don’t have um, well then, you’re a gal.

That’s just the way it is!

In fact, none of this has anything to do with God, period.

It’s just Mother Nature.

Yet, our freakish society is telling us, “Hey, you can be whatever you want to be.” They’re even telling the kids they can be cats and dogs if they’d like. It’s utter insanity! This has been going on for years, but it’s escalated more within the past four years, as you know.

Now, we’re beginning to see the fallout, but it won’t be fully recognized for another 5-10 years. We’ll need more and more reports like this, we’ll need more stories about how transgenders wish they never changed their sex.

By the way, you can’t change your sex.

You can cut off your giblets, but you’ll always, and I mean always, have the DNA of a man.

You’ll always be a man, no matter if you wear a blonde or brunet wig.

Look people, we’re faced with a horrid future.

I remember in my early 20s…

Christian people, good people, they quickly accepted homosexuality. They said, “We should love everybody.”

Talk about twisting Scripture, talk about distorting reality. I knew back then, the fix was in. The brainwashing was just too good, and people’s faith was just too weak.

That’s right!

If you have real faith in God and the Bible, it means you live according to the Book!

Live according to the Book or you’re just a fake phony.

Most of those Christians I knew were fake phonies. They really just wanted to get along to go along. Hey, no one said you had to hate anyone or cause a ruckus. However, God expected you to stand for Him, not crumble before the ways of the world.

When you conform to the world, you fail God.

Each and every time.

A lot of people are always talking about having some moment to show God they love Him.

Brothers and sisters, you have it everyday baby.

Everyday is your day to shine.

Rarely do we stand in that spotlight.

Instead, we stand in the world’s spotlight.


It’s more popular, and it’s easier to accomplish.


Fake phony.

So my point, those fake phony’s from the past, the ones who initially green lighted this homosexual behavior are a big reason why our society has collapsed.

You see, when sin creeps in, you stomp it out.

You never allow it to take root. Otherwise, it’s like a rogue weed that takes over a beautiful garden. All it takes is one rotten seed, from a rotten weed, to destroy a lush and rich garden.

That’s our world today.

It started with the churches acceptance of homosexuality.

That’s been going on for decades.

You know, it’s the same thing the church did thousands of years ago. In an effort to become popular with the locals — pagans — they accepted some paganism into the church.

Ohh, they didn’t make it sound that way…

  • Today, you call it “Easter” and roll eggs when you’re supposed to be focused on Jesus.
  • Today, you call it “Christmas,” and Jesus is typically last on our mind, but the tree and gifts are first.

Someone do me a favor…

Crack open your dusty Bible and show me where it says playing Easter rabbit, decorating trees, and giving gifts is a Christian thing.

Go ahead, I’ll wait…

“But Brandon, it’s for the kids.”

And that right there, that’s why we’re in this dang mess.

Because people have no backbone. Because people would rather cop out than stand up for God, and people call themselves Christian, give me a break already. They don’t even know what it means. They’re more concerned with their kids “fun,” than teaching them about the Word of God.

“Aren’t you being a little harsh?”

Are you kidding?

Have you forgotten what the Bible tells us?

Deuteronomy 11:18-19
Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul … And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Teach you’re children about Biblical things, not worldly things.

Not worldly things church tradition conjured up.

Not celebrations rooted in heathenism, but tied to our faith.

Hey, this stuff is all tied together.

It started long ago, and from one generation to the next, that’s how we got here.


We stopped listening to Scripture, because hey, we wanted the kids to have “fun,” and we didn’t want to rock societies boat. Well then, when you get to Heaven, you can explain all that to God, and make sure to tell me how it works out.

Speaking of the church…

Remember that article I penned a couple of years ago about United Methodists?

Remember, I reached out to a Deacon at the church?

Within their bylaws, they have a rule that says you cannot be a homosexual and serve as the clergy.

Gee, common sense, right?

Not so much.

Well, despite their bylaws and more importantly, God’s Laws, they allowed homosexuality in the church. However, it was never recognized in an official capacity.

Well brother, that all changed the other day.

Feast your eyes on this…

“The United Methodist Church, one of the largest Protestant denominations in the U.S., has voted to repeal its ban on LGBTQ clergy as well as prohibitions on its’ ministers from officiating at same-sex weddings.

Delegates overwhelmingly approved the changes, 692 to 51, during the United Methodist Church’s General Conference.”


If you didn’t puke yet, go ahead and read that again.


692 souls told God, go stuff it.

This is why I cannot stand the modern church. This is why I cannot stand denominationalism. Ohh and don’t tell me your denomination is different. They all have homosexual clergy in some of the churches.


The big wigs refuse to enforce God’s Law.

Do you know why?

It’s not political correct.

It’s not diverse enough for society.

Ohh and they’re 501c3.

Well, guess what bubba!?

When you get to Heaven, your flip flopping isn’t going to stand with God. You’re going to find yourself up there on the wrong side of the gulf in Heaven. Yeah, the side where Jesus preached to the spirits in prison, and they weren’t good spirits either buddy.

“Dang Brandon, aren’t you being a little harsh?”

I’d rather be a little harsh with you today, and you snap out of your stupor, then you have to stand before God when you knew better all along.

Hey, societal norms start with you as a parent. They start with what you allow into your home. They start with what you teach your children. As a parent, you must be the person that educates your children in all things, especially Biblical things.

You’re the authority.

No one else, you are.

If that’s too much work, then don’t have kids.

Isn’t this article reminder enough?

It starts with you.

It starts with the parents.

When we flip flop on God, it becomes evident to society. So evident, we call a baby an “embryo” and confused children “transgender.” Stop allowing society to dictate terms and what’s acceptable.

God already told you what’s acceptable.

Stand for Him today, or answer for it tomorrow.

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