They’re Not All In On It

In our attempt to understand the world, and the way it functions, we often paint a picture with a wide brush. We typically say, “They’re all in on it.”

In on what?

  • The corruption of society.
  • The destruction of Christianity.
  • The destruction of the nation-state.
  • The rise of a new world order.

Who are “They” and “Them”?

The oligarchs.

Our government and corporate leaders, those in positions of power. In fact, it was the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab who said, “we penetrate the cabinets” of nations around the world.

There is certainly a coordinated effort to radically alter our world. We have been living through the beginning stages of that these last two years.

Well, it didn’t just start these last two years, right?

It simply escalated.


Yet, with such a dramatic and rapid change to our world, we have noticed some people come out against the globalist narrative. We have even seen government, corporate leaders, doctors, and lawyers speak out against the globalist narrative.

Though, many of their and our efforts have been silenced.

Nevertheless, this helps us understand, while there is certainly a coordinated effort to change our world, “They’re not all in on it.”

I am continually reminded of this.

Squash Perversion

The other day, it was in the form of news that came out of Florida.

This is a good thing, it would remove LGBT discussions from school classrooms. Florida’s Governor has made some mistakes, but overall, the guy seems to be doing a bang-up job down there. He, along with many other government officials in his state.

Then, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem finally jumped on board and banned transgender athletes from sports. There are now 10 states that have such bans in place. By the way, these athletes can still compete, but only on the team of their biological sex. You know, the whole chromosome thing?

It was mind boggling just trying to figure out how to write those two sentences.

Save The Unborn

By the way,

So we continue to see some big victories.

This is fantastic considering the last two horrific years.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of bad going on, but we talk about that all the time. Personally, I think it’s good to focus on some positive things, and reflect on them, to ensure we do not become trapped in the negative doom and gloom news cycle.

Despite our world being filled with rottenness, there is much good that still transpires.

A True Leader

This morning, I found another bright spot. I found another one of “they” who turned out not to be “them”. I read an article penned by Jennifer Sey, former President of Levi’s.

You really just have to read her story. I thought it was fantastic.

She, like so many of us, had enough of the COVID hysteria, and she had been speaking out about it since 2020. She was next in line to become the CEO at Levi’s, but the problem was, her opinions were getting in the way of that.

Long story short, Levi’s terminated her and offered her $1 million dollars to walk away. However, if she signed the agreement, she would have no voice.

So, she forfeited a million dollars.

That’s $1,000,000 dollars so she could pen the article that she did. So she could continue to speak out about her beliefs. I hope you read that article, you will learn, she is a liberal. However, you will be able to relate to her in many ways.

Let’s Meet Half Way

All of this continues to show me, there are still some good people out there. Liberal and Conservative, there are moderates and radicals on both ends of the spectrum. We often only focus on the radical form, depending on our political persuasion.

As a nation, “We The People” need to learn to ban together more and allow less division.

I know, it’s probably a pipe dream.

At the same time, I wouldn’t have guessed 10 states would have banned transgender athletes. I wouldn’t have imagined Florida is on the verge of banning LGBT discussion in school. I certainly wouldn’t have imagined Texas would have banned abortion.

The moral of the story?

Not everyone is out to get us.

While our governments and the corporate world are filled with villains, there are some good ones left. Unfortunately, they are also shown the door, which shows the power struggle is real.

Be The Change

Yet, you and I…

“We The People” can make a difference by supporting causes, by supporting products and services we believe in. You see, money makes the world go round. We can complain to high heavens about the state of the world.

Yet, if we support the companies that oppresses us, we are essentially, oppressing ourselves.

So yes, the new world order is going to march on.

Yet, how many years will it take?

The old world order was established in the 1940s, that was roughly 80 years ago.

Do we really want to sit by idly, or do we want to try and make a change for the better?

Personally, I would rather fight for what I believe in each day. Instead of remaining idle because I thought “the end” was near. We all feel it, we all understand those thoughts of “the end”.

At the same time, it would be truly painful to be on one’s deathbed, never seeing “the end,” and realizing, I was wrong, and never tried to make a positive difference, all due to my beliefs.

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