Happy Independence Day!

This Independence Day, America received major victories for freedom.

Thanks to the Supreme Court, our 2nd Amendment rights were reinforced, abortion officially became a state decision, and the EPA lost power it should have never had. It’s rare we obtain such victories, in fact, when was the last time we had such victories?

All coming down just in time for Independence Day.

I have to admit, in years past I have been a little down on this day. Too much anti-American sentiment typically reigns, but not this year. It seems as though we are making some positive strides.

What does this mean long term remains to be seen.

However, let’s take these sweet victories that we have today and relish in them. Let’s thank God for them. Let’s thank God that we were born in this nation that grants us so many freedoms. Including the freedom to remove evil from it.

Also, don’t forget about the sacrifices of the past that led to the nation we have today. In that spirit, I plan to have my family read one of the following.

  1. Declaration of Independence
  2. The U.S. Constitution
  3. The Bill of Rights

I am sure we all will learn something from this today.

It will be a reminder of yesterday’s sacrifices that led to our present rewards. It will be a reminder that freedom is not free. Freedom takes courage, bravery and determination to obtain.

As the days move forward, we all will need to exhibit these characteristics. We all will need to lift up our voices for God and country, not just one of us, but all of us.

Happy Independence Day everyone, celebrate like it’s 1776!

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