The World Order Has Been Broken

In 2020, our world was thrown into utter disarray.

Society quickly became divided over the seriousness of a pandemic. People around the world were locked down in their homes. Many were forced to take a vaccine that was rushed and produced in record time. If they did not take it, they risked losing their livelihoods.

People were banned from the public space for sharing their thoughts and opinions about the crisis. That is, if it went against the mainstream narrative.

Later, our governments and their healthcare organizations would admit, they “hoped” the lockdowns, vaccines, and facemasks would help. However, it turns out that “science is gray”.

Those events set the stage for what we are now experiencing.

Today, the nations are facing economic collapse due to ill thought out policies and procedures during the pandemic. Some may say hindsight is 20/20. However, the world knew on March 20th, 2020 that COVID-19 had a 1% mortality rate among those most susceptible, the elderly.

This was revealed by the findings of those aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship. It was then estimated that for our overall population, the mortality rate would be “0.125%”. A number that confirmed itself over and over again.

Nevertheless, governments spent trillions of dollars to keep the global economy afloat after they shut down society. Something that never occurred before in world history. This crippled businesses and citizens, and led to the events of today.

Globally, there is now record inflation due to a record amount of monetary stimulus, aka, money printing. Fuel prices have doubled from a year ago, food prices have shot through the roof. The basic necessities needed to sustain modern society.

In the U.S., the Federal Reserve is finally admitting, inflation is not “transitory,” but embedded into the economy. Now, more than a year after the fact, they are finally raising interest rates from near zero. These record-low rates also helped inflate asset prices. Nothing is more obvious than the housing market which is now beginning to turn in the other direction.

Your takeaway from this recap of recent history, governments and their experts were wrong.

All citizens were shamed into wearing masks and taking vaccines for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. That turned out to be the wrong course of action. We were also convinced that inflation was solely due to “supply chain disruptions” and was only going to be “transitory”.

Those two takes on some of the biggest events in world history were dead wrong!

Whether lies or mistakes, it makes no difference now.

What matters today, is that we, the citizenry of our nations do not allow another such event.

Yet, another such event has already presented itself.

The Ukraine Conflict

On February 24th, 2022, Russian forces went into Ukraine to secure the Donbas region which had been under attack by Ukrainian forces for years.

The reason?

The Donbas region primarily consists of people who are of Russian descent. Ukraine has continually painted these people in the colors of the enemy. Sort of how the Democrat-controlled government of the U.S. calls parents and whites “domestic terrorists”.

For the past eight years, Ukrainian forces have been attacking and killing Donbas citizens.

The mainstream media has done everything in its power to conceal this fact. Moreover, this is not even the first time Russia stepped foot inside Ukraine. Back in 2014, Russia Annexed Crimea. However, “this time it’s different”.

The mainstream media has taken great care to portray the Ukrainian government as some innocent state who became tangled in “Russian aggression”.

This, just like COVID-19 and “transitory inflation” is propaganda. Evident from past media coverage of Ukraine, which shows Ukraine is anything but innocent.

Yet, the propaganda has worked very well. Social media is filled with users who promote the Ukrainian flag. Business around the globe have also shown their support for Ukraine.

For more very detailed information on the Ukrainian conflict and the U.S. involvement in Ukraine over the years, please read these articles.

The mainstream media coverage of Ukraine reminds me of the coverage about COVID-19. You will find no dissenting views concerning this event, just like COVID-19. We are only being spoon-fed one point of view to solidify the liberal world orders vetted interest in Ukraine.

By the way, Ukraine is not a part of NATO.

Yet, that has not stopped NATO and its member nations from sending billions of dollars to Ukraine to help fight against Russia. No one seems to mention, long ago NATO promised Russia not to expand.

In fact, the sole point of NATO was to deter Soviet Russia from long ago. Essentially, NATO has no place in modern society. Today, NATO is being used by the liberal world order to further its reach, something they accuse Russia of seeking after.

Escalating World War

With each passing day, society is being conditioned to the notion that world war is on the horizon.

In fact,

NATO will significantly increase the number of forces on high alert to over 300,000 from 40,000 as part of the biggest overhaul of the alliance’s defences since the Cold War.

Sky News

When Russia had a few hundred thousand soldiers on Ukraine’s border, the West said it was a ‘pending invasion’. Can we not say then, that NATO is preparing for an invasion?

Since Ukraine is not a NATO state, NATO should have no involvement.

Nevertheless, read this quote from NATO chief Jens Stolenberg who commented on the increase in manpower.

“Together, this constitutes the biggest overhaul of our collective deterrence and defence since the Cold War.” Stolenberg said the 30-member alliance is expected to consider Russia to be “the most significant and direct threat to our security”.

That is absolutely absurd!

Even the pope can see through the veil of lies.

As this moment in history, we do have a world war of sorts. It’s a soft war with the United States and their NATO allies funding Ukraine with weapons that are being used to kill Russians.

On March 16th 2022, Ukrainian President Zelensky even said,

World War III ‘may have already started’

The Hill

The Ukrainian theater, has in effect, broken the liberal world orders grip on the globe.

We are now seeing a world fractured by a radical ideology become unhinged. China wants Taiwan and Russia is looking to ensure Ukraine stays neutral and does not join NATO ranks.

Nevertheless, Britain’s General Sir Patrick Sanders said, NATO is facing their ‘1937 moment’.

His sole focus is “mobilising the army to meet the new threat we face”. He said the “British Army is not mobilising to provoke war, it is mobilising to prevent war” in Europe.

Sky News

If you are hoping to see through the fog of this major world event, read that again and pay close attention.

Sanders went on to say,

“In all my years in uniform I haven’t known such a clear threat to the principals of sovereignty and democracy and the freedom to live without fear of violence as the brutal aggression of President Putin and his expansionist ambitions“.

Now just stop right there.

If you entertain that thought, you have been brainwashed.

Which nation has continually sought to expand its empire around the globe?

None other than the United States of America.

It was the United States that invaded, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and so many other nations. All on “the principals of sovereignty and democracy and the freedom to live without fear of violence”.

Sanders is simply peddling more globalist propaganda for you to swallow.

It’s the United States of America that has sought to expand its empire. It does this through its military and by using its NATO arm as we are witnessing today.

Sanders had a bit more to say, it’s important that we grasp it.

Putin and the Kremlin are going to try to widen the conflict and try to say that this is something to do between NATO and Russia – and that’s not it at all.”

Blantant propaganda!

That is another lie, just like the COVID-19 and inflation lies we talked about earlier.

If NATO minded their own business, Ukraine and Russia would have already settled the matter. Whether diplomatically or through warfare. All that NATO is doing is dragging this out which is escalating the conflict, (also: Sweden and Finland to join NATO).

If I have beef with one of my neighbors who is harming my family and property, and another neighbor jumps in to help them. They both became my enemies.

We all understand that.

One more quote from Sanders,

“This is about an invasion of an independent, sovereign country. It’s about the West and all the friends of Ukraine giving them the support that they need to protect themselves.”

Propaganda and talking points, that’s all that is.

We have no business or right to be involved, period.

All wars do is kill our families while benefiting the ultra-rich who control our world. Those who make a profit from death.

This conflict has now led to a major division between world powers.

A Fractured Economy

It’s no secret that the West has seized (stolen) Russian assets in Western banks and territory. This is absolute theft and worthy of war in of itself. Yet, Russia has remained fairly calm considering.

However, we continue to see Russia break away from the U.S. dollar and other nations are following suit. The reason is simple. It has become clear, if you cross the United States, your assets can and will be frozen. That means, it’s a national liability to leave your assets in Western nations.

This is absolutly going to backfire on the West.

How so?

Just days ago, two new nations, Iran and Argentina applied to join BRICS. That’s an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Together, these nations make up 41% of the global population and these nations have been working to step outside of the current monetary system.

In fact,

President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are currently working on setting up a new global reserve currency.

“The issue of creating an international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies of our countries is being worked out,” he said at the BRICS business forum.


That’s a major attack on the U.S. dollar which is the reserve currency of the world. If the BRICS establish a new international reserve currency, it’s going to dramaticly change our world, including how the United States conducts business.

To the globalists who seek to unify their power over the world, something like this, is worthy of war.

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