Harvard Plans Geoengineering Test To Block Sunlight

You have probably heard the term, “geoengineering” before. That is the “science” of modifying the earth’s climate in order to prevent “climate change”. Well, Harvard University has a new test in an attempt to save the planet.

Harvard University scientists plan to fly a test balloon above Sweden next year to help advance research into dimming sunlight to cool the Earth, alarming environmentalists opposed to solar geoengineering.


The plan is to drop particles into the stratosphere in an attempt to block sunlight from reaching the earth. They hope to reduce the amount of heat that reaches the planet.

This is nothing new, projects like this have gone on for quite sometime. Their are even U.S. Congressional records that document it all, we have discussed this a time or two on our site.

Nevertheless, this is all foolishness. Even if mankind was the cause of “climate change”, you need to identify and fix the root cause of the problem. Not place a band-aid over the problem in the form of sunlight blocking particles.

The sun is certainly not a problem. God placed the sun there, us here, and things have been working just fine for a very, very long time.

In reality, there is no problem at all if you turn off the television and experience some of our countries treasures yourself. I often cite Glacier National Park as one such treasure. The glaciers of the world have been melting for at least 12,000 years!

So how exactly is any form of climate change, manmade?

Man was not around 12,000 years ago, certainly not with factories, pollution, and so on. So any “climate change” we are experiencing is quite natural and not something we should be concerned about.

We should be concerned about the massive amount of pollution we contribute to the earth, not blocking the sun which will have unknown effects on us and our planet.

It is worth mentioning, a similar experiment took place back in 2019 and your favorite software developer turned doctor helped fund it, Bill Gates.

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