Coronavirus Surges, Now 70% More Infectious Than Before

That headline sums up some of the news floating around. We have all heard, the supposed surge is due to us enjoying Thanksgiving with our family. Now they tell us COVID-19 is 70% more infectious than it was before.

I had to laugh at their new headline. Does it not sound like an advertisement? “COVID, now with 70% more infectious power!” Give me a break already.

More Fear, More Hype

I was ashamed of Tennessee after their health department put out more fear saying if there is a Christmas surge, it will break their hospital system. The Governor did no better adding another illegal executive order and saying,

“I understand deeply how much Tennessee families need each other. But we must do all that we can to blunt this surge and keep more Tennesseans from getting sick.”


This makes me sick alright, sick to my stomach.

So let me get this straight.

Going to Walmart, Costco, Sam’s Club, etc did not add to the supposed “surge”?

I suppose people going out to restaurants or eating inside tents at restaurants did not cause the surge?

I am even willing to bet, when you take off your mask at the airport break room to eat, that has no bearing. Just as taking off your mask inside a confined airplane to drink a 4oz can of juice and eat a 4oz bag of crackers.

How stupid are we?

We must be extremely stupid to allow these fools to keep pulling the wool over our eyes. I think a big problem is people just have no backbone. They are afraid to start practicing civil disobedience, because someone might say something.

Who cares!!!

Take off the masks people!

I am willing to bet more than half of the people want to, but are scared too. I talked with a guy last night and that was his reasoning. If we all did it together, then more people would take them off and the government could no longer enforce their illegal mandates.

They only have power as we grant them power through our obedience to their illegal orders.

But hey, people are like sheep these days. If the shepherd says go this way, we go without question. If you are so quick to listen to men decree illegal orders, how on earth will you stand against the false shepherd who appears before the True Shepherd?

Oh no, don’t say that’s different. That is not different. That will be about making a stand like this is about making a stand. Which reminds me, you should probably watch this video if you have not already.

Let’s move on to this 70% more infectious nonsense.

Coronavirus Is Now 70% More Infectious

So this news comes out right as the COVID-19 vaccine is being administered to populations around the globe. In my mind, this can be attributed to the vaccine or it is a part of the push for people to become vaccinated.

Ironically enough, they now say this new virus mutation may evade the new vaccine. Comical I think since viruses always mutate over time they tell us.

Nevertheless, psychological games are being played. That is not an opinion, that is a fact.

Notice how this happened overnight. Suddenly COVID is now 70% more infectious than before. Come on. Nothing happens overnight. Certainly nothing like that.

Further, it changes nothing.

  • COVID still has a 99.98% survival rate.
  • Masks still do nothing to protect you.

So there you have it.

By the way, in Wuhan, China. Things have been back to normal for sometime now.

I mean they are living life to the fullest, while we foolish Westerners are told to blame China for our problems, to blame China for the pandemic that never was.

What a great tactic by our elected officials and the mainstream media to keep us in the dark. To keep our anger and frustration focused on China instead of it being directed at our elected officials who have destroyed our way of life.

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