Heaven And Earth Will Pass Away

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Matthew 24:35

Nearly 2,000 years ago Jesus uttered those words.

They are just as true today as they were then.

For nearly 2,000 years, mankind has been trying to destroy the Word of God. They have burned our ancient scrolls and Bibles. They have banished their content throughout history. Yet, we have more Biblical works today than at any other point in history. In fact, the Bible is the most sold book in the history of the world.

This proves Christ’s words are true, which means all of His words are true.

You want to think about that.

The Word of God will endure for all time. It will even outlive the heavens and earth. Not the Heavenly place where God dwells, but the heavens above us. Our sun, stars and planets. The Word of God will live on forever, as God will live on forever.

We can join Him, if we accept Jesus and adhere to His Word.

We have already witnessed how true Christ’s words are. Throughout all of history, through persecution and death, somehow, the Bible has been handed down to our generation. God surely helped steer that throughout the eons of time.

Therefore, no matter what world events may unfold. No matter how perverse our world becomes. We have been promised, the Word of God will endure for all time.

Jesus also told us, one day He will return to earth and set things in their proper order. We can trust what He said, it will happen one day.

In the days we now find ourselves, it would seem many of the signs that precede His return are unfolding before our eyes.

The parable of the fig tree is a good example of that.

Jesus told us,

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Matthew 24:14

The Gospel, the same Word of God that has endured must be preached throughout the entire world. This is to provide a witness for all nations and people, that God is our Creator who has established the heavens, earth, and all life.

This is mankind’s opportunity to accept God and obtain Eternal life.

To endure for all time, just like God and His words.

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