What’s This Christian Nationalism Business?

We keep seeing that phrase, “Christian Nationalism” in the news, don’t we?

It’s a growing trend, one that I was asked about, so let’s talk about it today.

It’s not really a new term, but one that has been revived from the distant past. It’s easy to see why in our post-COVID world. Lockdowns and forced vaccinations have everyone around the world on edge.

Now before we dive in, let’s define the term “Christian Nationalism”.

We all know what a “Christian” is, someone who accepts Jesus Christ.

On the other hand, “nationalism” is:

  • Spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
  • Devotion and loyalty to one’s own country; patriotism.
  • The policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one’s own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.

So then, a Christian Nationalist is someone who wants to promote Christianity at the national level. It’s someone who wants their nation to be sovereign under Biblical principals and separate from the world, as in, no globalism.


Or is it?…

In theory, it’s truly a great idea and what God always wanted the Israelites to do. Follow His Laws. However, remember what happened to them. During the time of Samuel, the Israelites decided they wanted a man king, instead of God. It’s been downhill since.

Do you know why?

God told the Israelites why, (1 Samuel 8:14-17)

Your man king will:

  • Take your field.
  • Take your vineyards.
  • Take your oliveyards.
  • Take a tenth of your seed.
  • You will be his servant.

The problem is mankind in general.

Learn From The Past

We come up with all sorts of good ideas, but then a few rotten apples jump in the mix and ruin the whole basket. So Christian Nationalism is a good concept, but it’s doubtful it will work out.

The Tea Party comes to mind.

Do you remember that?

It became a national phenomenon about 15 years ago. It consisted of grassroots Americans getting together to form groups and parties to change this nation. Ron Paul helped to inspire a lot of that. It went smooth for a very short time, then came the bad apples.

You know, the big name and no name Republican Congressman and Senators who suddenly attached themselves to it. Then, the Tea Party became a distant memory. Ohh, it’s still around, but it doesn’t consist of grassroots, but the big names who never did a darn thing for any of us in the first place.

In fact, the first sentence of the Tea Party website says,

“The Tea Party are those who possess a strong belief in the Judeo-Christian values”…

Sorry, there is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian values,” it’s a myth. I can hear someone now, Christian Nationalism doesn’t involve that. I get it, the problem still remains, the bad apples.

Who am I talking about?

The Bad Apples

Well, the high profile names in big government have already attached themselves to “Christian Nationalism”. In fact, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is on board with being a “Christian Nationalist”.

Now, here is Congresswoman Greene before a Republican audience.

Is that appropriate behavior for a Christian, (Matthew 7:20)?

I can only imagine what she must do and say in private. I’m not judging folks, but the proof is in the puddin’. She and others like her are stealing the novel concept of a truly Christian run government. They are doing it over the backlash of COVID and the moral rot in our nation.

They are attempting to seize a moment of Christian outrage to transfer power and popularity to them.

If we want to see real change, we have to be that change. We always expect someone else to do the heavy lifting. We cannot jump behind people because they say things we want to hear.

Haven’t we learned that after so many failures of the past?

Instead, we need to see real action materialize from their supposed beliefs.

All right, so here’s the deal.

Don’t Go With The Crowd

Anytime a crowd jumps in a ship and goes in one direction, I get in my sailboat and go in the other. Remember, we are to take the narrow path through life. Biblical history always tells us, going with the crowd is a bad idea.

Moses was alone in many of his decisions. The Israelites (the crowd) were extremely rebellious against God and Moses, so much so, Moses snapped! He actually told God to just kill him, rather than deal with the Israelites any longer, (Numbers 11:10-15).

Crowds and popularity will always do what they do…

Seek after self interests.

Don’t Get Categorized

Personally, I don’t like be categorized by groups, names or titles. Then, people can paint you in the color of said group without ever hearing how you feel about a specific issue or idea.

Moreover, said group can be quickly marginalized. In fact, “Christian Nationalism” has already received a bad name from the left. That doesn’t bother me much. However, it’s the behavior and antics of those who are attaching themselves to Christian Nationalism that bothers me the most.

The fact of the matter is, we don’t need new titles to represent our Christian ideals that are embedded into the Constitution. This is a Christian nation, it’s always been a Christian nation.

Who were the Pilgrims?


So again, titles bring stigma and rejection. It would seem, the last five or so years divided this country enough, we don’t need any more of it. We just need to keep fighting for Jesus Christ and the Constitution of these United States.


Stop giving ground to the enemy, and stop giving them ammo.

Lastly, any politician that wants to spout off about “Christian Nationalism” needs to firmly and boldly state (and do)… They are dedicated to removing our nation from globalist institutions that we fund. Namely, the United Nations and NATO.

Without doing that, they are just blowing smoke.

Don’t be so desperate for some semblance of God that you grasp onto anyone and everyone who says, “Jesus”. Liars and deceivers will always play the religion card to get your support.

The simplest advice I can offer…

Matthew 7:18-20
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

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