Help Us, O God Of Our Salvation

Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name’s sake.

Psalms 79:9

Long ago, the Israelites failed God time after time. Instead of listening to God and enjoying His blessings, they began to worship false gods, and they rejected the One and only One who was ever there for them.

So, as promised, God allowed the nations around Israel to consume them, (Numbers 33:56). Even allowing the heathen nations to bind the Israelites into slavery. This went on so many times, it actually becomes cumbersome to read about, (see Nehemiah 9).

The Israelites then wallowing in the misery they brought about by their own doing, would cry out to God, all in hopes that He would save them. God’s frustration shows many times in Scripture, once God responded to their cries,

“Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation.”

Judges 10:14


“Where are thy gods that thou hast made thee? let them arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble.”

Jeremiah 2:28


Time after time, God saved the Israelites from their enemies, only for their sins to be repeated once again. Not even their religious leaders stood for God, instead, they were a burden to the people, not a blessing.

The patience of God must be immense, nearly without end.

As I read this entire Psalm this morning and considering what I have explained, how it reminds me of our world today. Today, the Christian people are God’s People as we are told so many times in Scripture, (Galatians 3:16, 28-29).

Our numbers seem to be dwindling as we allow the world to take over our governments, institutions, and even houses of worship. How we have conformed to the ways of the world, all in the name of not offending others, and of course, in the name of “unity” and “diversity.”

I am quite sure it was the same story long ago.

The Israelites made friends with the people of the land who were idolaters, (Joshua 9). Nice people I am sure, but their ways were not God’s ways, and that led to the corruption of Israel. So goes our nation and the world today.

We allow “nice people” into our institutions, and then we wonder why our institutions have become corrupted. It comes down to morality my friends. We cannot have a Christian world led by non-Christians.

So, our world turns into a sinful ruinous heap, just like the Israel of old. God withdraws Himself from the nation at that point, and then it becomes left to the people to…

Cry out to God.

“Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name’s sake.”

We are at that point today.

It is up to the people, the Christian people to set aside their petty differences, and unite under Christ to change this mixed-up world. To set things back in order, and to ensure we are asking God to lead our path and intervene to help us.

Without Him, we will not be successful.

If you don’t believe me, just re-read Jeremiah 2:28.

While God may withdraw from our nations, He will never withdraw from you and your family if you keep Him in the center. Ensure you repent when you fall short, and know and believe that your sins are washed away, (Isaiah 1:18, 1 John 1:9).

Above all, never give up the Christian fight.

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