God Is Not The Author Of Confusion

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

1 Corinthians 14:33

God does not author confusion, but the world certainly does.

These days, our world is completely backward. The world wants us to “call evil good, and good evil,” something God long ago warned us of, (Isaiah 5:20). This confusion has been packaged together by the world and sold to us as something positive, when it’s negative.

In fact, the word “confusion” also means,

  • Instability
  • Disorder
  • Commotion
  • Tumult

Does that not perfectly define the effect our world has on us today?

When we go out into it, we typically end our day confused by it. Confused by the events the world portrays as positive. We see this on television, social media, and of course, the magazines at the checkout stand.

Confusion abounds, but peace and clarity do not.

The only true form of peace comes from our Heavenly Father, He was long ago discarded by the world. They have chaulked God up as a myth, an ancient legend from the past who is no longer relevant.

Ironically enough, the more we shut Him out of society, the more destitute our world becomes. The more confused it becomes, the more disorder we find in our world. This all brings about commotions that rattle our minds, leaving us unstable in our thoughts.

How this reminds me of Revelation and Great Babylon.

The Babylon of long ago was a government order surrounded by sin and perversion. Babylon had no regard for God, only for the pleasures of life. I am quite sure it was popular with the citizenry of the day. How little things have changed from the distant past.

These days, our modern world is beginning to resemble Babylon, something we were warned of in Scripture. In fact, it’s a great sign to keep our eye on. One day, a world order will mimic the Babylon of the ancient past, fulfilling Scripture.

Yet, it too will come crashing down.

Revelation 14:8
And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

This verse describes what happens after Jesus Christ returns, a day we all long for.

Unfortunately, we are not there yet.

Instead, we live in a time where governments and society continually erase God and replace Him with abounding confusion. Though this is embraced by most of the world, it too will come crashing down.

Take comfort in that.

Remember, God is not the author of the confusion we find in our world. It’s simply a product of men who have replaced God’s logic, with their own.

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