How Long Is A Day With The Lord?

Have you ever wondered how long one of God’s days are compared to our own?

Let’s see what Scripture says…

Psalms 90:4
For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

One more verse.

2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

That makes it very clear, and I believe this is literal.

This tells us, 1,000 of our years are equal to 1 of God’s days.

Now, how about a little bit of perspective?


Since 1,000 of man’s years are equal to 1 of God’s days, this made me think…

How does this break down further?

I mean…

  • If we are in the end times, what is the duration of that time?
  • If we are living in the last days, when will they end?

With these thoughts in mind, I did a little arithmetic.

I converted God’s day to hours, and then compared His hours to our years.

So get this…

83 of our years equal 2 of God’s hours.

That’s right…

By the time God gets up in the morning, has a couple of cups of coffee, eats breakfast, and reads World Events and the Bible, you were born and you died.

This is why you always want to live every day as if it were your last. Always do the things you enjoy, spend time with family, and primarily concern yourself with the things in your control.

Here’s the simple math…

Comparing Our Years To God’s Hours

1,000 of man’s years = 1 of God’s days

24 hours * 365 days * 1000 years


8,760,000 of man’s hours = 1,000 years = 1 of God’s days

8,760,000 / 24 hours in a day


365,000 of man’s hours = 1 of God’s hours

365,000 / 24 hours in a day


15,208.3 of man’s days = 1 of God’s hours

15,208.3 / 365 days in a year


41.6 of man’s years = 1 of God’s hours

41.6 * 2 hours


83.3 of man’s years = 2 of God’s hours

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