Does The Solar Eclipse Mark Christ’s Second Coming?

Ohh yes, this one is a doozy!…

I tell you what, if I had a buck for every doomsday prediction, I’d be a billionaire by now.

Yet, doomsday always seems to avoid mankind, how about that?

So here’s the latest and greatest…

On April 8th, “The Great American Eclipse” is taking place in…


You never would have guessed that one, right?

So there are all sorts of predictions by keyboard Christians around the country.

They’re telling us,

“Jesus return is near.”

You don’t say?

The reason this time…

“The Great American Solar Eclipse.”

No, I’m not kidding.

Some Christians think since a 2017 eclipse and this year’s eclipse place an “X” on America, it means we’re about to be judged by our Heavenly Father.


Not the rest of the world, just America.


Ohh, and to add credence to the theory, it’s been 7 years since the first eclipse…

You know “7” is spiritual completeness.

However, it’s been about 6.5 years, but hey, don’t let me mess up a good conspiracy with the truth.

Besides, the God of the Bible only cares about America.

Look, you know I’m giving you the business, but come on friends…

How many years, and how many times have you heard this wack-a-do stuff?

I’ll speak for myself…

For years, I’ve heard Christians paint prophecy as only America counts. As if, God only cares about America. It’s shameful. If you want to get educated and become serious about end times prophecy, then you have to realize, the whole world is going to be judged by God.

Uhh huh.

Not just “X” marks the spot America.

Go read the Book of Revelation already.

Ahh, let me help you…

Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Then, look what happens when the four angels are released from the symbolic Euphrates…

Revelation 16:14
For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Now that’s talking about doomsday.

However, Scripture didn’t say “the whole America,” did it?

Of course not.

Scripture said, “the whole world.”

So then, why do so many Christians always feel the need to turn everything into some prophetic scenario? I have lots of reasons why they do it, but I’ll keep most of them to myself lest someone becomes offended.

In case there are any doubters out there, as my friend Brian used to say, “I’ll bet your paycheck” that Jesus won’t return on April 8th or even April 18th.

Any takers?

For the record, solar eclipses are not as rare as you might be led to believe. In fact, 2.5 eclipses occur per year. It’s been that way for the last 1,000 years, at least. They also cross each other, as in “X” marks the spot regularly.

So yes, I’m having a little fun with this one.

However, I do it for the benefit of our beautiful faith…

Look, I don’t like seeing Christianity tarnished, and every time some yahoo starts saying “Jesus is coming” because of x, y, and z — I cringe. It’s one thing to believe Jesus might return in your lifetime, it’s quite another to say it’ll happen because the stock market dropped or due to a virus.

I mean, I’ve heard it all, and you have to, if you go back into your memory banks.

The thing is…

The more you blab on about the imminent return of Jesus, the more non-Christians tune out our faith. I mean, they’ve been hearing about Christ’s imminent return for years, and decades, and centuries, and so on.

The more you say it…

The more you spread it…

The more people tune out when He doesn’t show up.

In fact, Jesus becomes a myth to them.

It’s one reason why our faith continues to dwindle.

You have thousands of denominations that all tell us something different, and you have millions of yahoos shouting, “Jesus is coming” because of an eclipse, a virus, the WHO, the WEF, Obama, Trump, Biden, 2011, 2012, etc, etc, you get the point — I hope.

Good grief.

I mean, say any of those reasons out loud, and you’ll even cringe!

So just pipe down with all that business.

If you have to tell someone about it, tell your dog or cat.

At least they can’t repeat it.

So here’s the deal…

I was asked a week or so back about April’s Jesus eclipse — sorry, had to. It was a post within the community, but I want to re-post it here so everyone has a chance to read it.

It’s important.

Jackie asked,

Hi Brandon,
There is so much chatter about the up and coming Eclipse, I was wondering if you have any thoughts or opinions on this? So many are putting a fear spin and or biblical spin to it and I believe mostly none of it. Though the moon sun and stars are signs. Luke: 21 What do you think?

Answer: Hey Jackie, great question!

My first thought…

Whoever is doing the talking, what have they said in the past about such events, and were they correct?

It’s doubtful.

Personally, I’ve always enjoyed looking at the stars, especially considering the Biblical aspects. For years I recall listening as some pastors would say there was Biblical significance due to some heavenly event. Planets aligning, stars, and the moon in certain positions, and so on.

I’ve seen and heard it all.

Some of it seemed very convincing, but it never meant anything. I mean, Biblical events were supposed to happen according to the teller of the story, nothing ever did. Hey, we’re still here, and Christ hasn’t returned. However, it sure gave credence to the teller of the story and when the event came and went, it was on to the next one and everyone forgot about the last one.

I can tell you, the last deal for me was back in 2015…

There was a series of total lunar eclipses, we all talked about it on this site. They aligned on Passover and of course, around September 29th, which I believe is the true birthday of Jesus. Anyway, those dates all came and went and we’re still here.

So personally, I feel the chatter about heavenly signs are baseless. There’s nothing clear cut in Scripture that indicates anything based on some alignment or movement. However, some Christians are attention seekers, and or confused themselves, and they’re always looking for more to join them in their confusion.

I don’t mean to sound rude at all. However, I’ve been at this for years and years. I’ve seen a lot, heard from a lot of people. Sometimes, we yearn for the return of Jesus so much, that we buy into anything hoping for it to be true.

I say live life, while abiding by the words of God, and don’t become roped into everything that comes along. You’ll be a lot happier, and let down in life a lot less.


P.S. There will be some that will say, “Events did happen on such and such date. It was a week or month early/late,” and so on. They’ll attempt to rationalize said event so they can continue to believe in this sort of thing. Unfortunately, they’re only deceiving themselves.

All right, so that’s what I had to say.

With that, I hope this adds some perspective to the situation and makes you think.

Ohh, and have a fantastic weekend!

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