If You Have Ever Had The Common Cold, You May Be Immune To COVID-19

The story gets better! Scientists are discovering 20-50% of people that have never been exposed to COVID-19 have immune cells that can recognize and react to the virus.

As this article explains,

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, shares much of its genetic code, including many of its proteins, with four coronaviruses in frequent circulation among humans.

COVID-19 shares much of its genetic code with four Coronaviruses. All of these viruses are a part of the same family. Further, these viruses are in “frequent circulation” among people.

What else can we learn from this article…

They cause the common cold and are extremely common – more than 90 percent of people have been exposed to them.

Coronaviruses cause of the common cold and are “extremely common”, more than 90% of us have already encountered them. Been sick by them, and have some immunity to them.

Since these Coronaviruses, including COVID-19, share much of the same genetic code, that means many people are already immune to COVID-19.

That is why scientists are discovering so many people are immune, their body is already used to the virus and knows how to defeat it. Now you know why 86% of those infected with COVID-19 do not even know they have it.

They are already immune! I wonder if the mainstream media will pick up this story, probably not, it destroys the narrative.

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