IMF: “We Must Seize This New Bretton Woods Moment”

Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) just stated, “we must seize this new Bretton Woods moment”. For those not familiar, Bretton Woods was an international financial agreement between world leaders after the second world war.

In order to really understand that, you should read, The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World. We open that article explaining some of this history for you.

A New Bretton Woods Moment

Georgieva’s article is called, “A New Bretton Woods Moment”. This peice opens with the line, “Introduction: ‘A sisterhood and brotherhood of humanity’”.

That is globalist speak. Oneness. Togetherness, and so on.

It just happens to exclude the Christian in case you are wondering.

Georgieva goes on to explain, the founders of the 1940s Bretton Woods agreement

Faced two massive tasks: to deal with the immediate devastation caused by the War; and to lay the foundation for a more peaceful and prosperous postwar world.

Make sure to note, the Bretton Woods agreement was an international agreement and was signed due to a global catastrophe being, World War 2.

Georgieva continues,

Today we face a new Bretton Woods “moment.” A pandemic that has already cost more than a million lives. An economic calamity that will make the world economy 4.4 % smaller this year and strip an estimated $11 trillion of output by next year. And untold human desperation in the face of huge disruption and rising poverty for the first time in decades.

Now the excuse is made, the reason given, to bring about a new international financial order. COVID-19 is the reason this time.

Unfortunately, Georgieva’s death numbers are manufactured like the 200,000 number we hear in the U.S. Those death numbers include those who had numerous other illnesses and medical conditions.

Who cares when you are pushing a global agenda about radical change though!?

So now that Georgieva told us the history, and compared the present, here comes the layup.

She states,

Once again, we face two massive tasks: to fight the crisis today—  and build a better tomorrow.

That means,

We must seize this new Bretton Woods moment.

Now she pours on the emotion.

The best memorial we can build to those who have lost their lives in this crisis is, in the words of Keynes, “that bigger thing”— building a more sustainable and equitable world.

More globalist feel good buzz words.

The message is clear, due to COVID-19, we all must work together in order to build a better world for all. It sounds good on paper folks, it really does. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is politicians are seeking to consolidate power over the entire globe.

It’s going to happen, the plan for a new world order is happening right now.

Georgieva concludes,

Our founders did it. It is now our turn. This is our moment!

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