Hell Is About To Erupt In The Middle East

If you feel a little hot under the collar, it’s not just you…

Someone just cranked up the thermostat in hell, and it’s about to boil over.

The latest escalation, more death and destruction in the Middle East.

Shocker huh, so what happened?

The other day, a U.S. base in Jordan was struck by a drone, three U.S. service members were killed, dozens were wounded. Hey, my sincere prayers go out to the family members who lost their loved ones. It’s truly sad and devastating for those involved.

All right, we really need to talk about this situation.

Guess who did it?

Terrorists of course, but which flavor…

Proxies of…



Biden said the U.S. is “still gathering the facts of this attack,” but “we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.”


So that’s all you need to know.

Hey, we’re still gathering the facts, but Iran did it.

Folks, am I the only one who can see through that statement?

I’d like to know…

Anyway, what does Iran have to say about the ordeal?

“Who cares, clean their clock already,” says the rowdy mob.

Yet, we must have law and order in this crowd, so sit down and stop rushing to judgment.

Nasser Kanaani, an Iranian ministry spokesperson, on Monday said accusations that Iran was behind the attack amounted to a “repetition of baseless accusations.”

The groups in the region do not take orders from Iran,” Kanaani said. “War is not a solution. An immediate cease-fire in Gaza can lead to the return of peace.”


Come on, what did you expect them to say?

I can tell you United States national security spokesman John Kirby had something to say…

We don’t want a wider war with Iran. We don’t want a wider war in the region, but we gotta do what we gotta do,” Kirby said. “We certainly know Iran is backing these groups. … We are taking it very seriously.”


Do you see that?

Hey, we don’t want war with Iran, but “we gotta do what we gotta do.”

That’s right, there’s not enough death and slaughter, we need more.


All right, so let’s get serious here for a moment.

You and I don’t know the truth on this one.

However, perhaps Iran is funding these groups, and these groups are taking orders from Iran. If so, then sure, Iran is liable. If Iran is liable, then Iran must be held accountable. Look, we cannot allow a foreign power to attack our assets in the region. It displays weakness and more of our men and women will lose their lives.

That’s just common sense, right?

If you just agreed, then you’ve just been manipulated…

What I just said was exactly what the U.S. Government and the mainstream media repeat. They make a darn good case though let me tell you that.

All right, so what am I getting at here?

I’m quite sure you read right over that last quote.

Yep, you zipped on through it, and you only focused on the portions in bold. The only thing on your mind was the attack, Iran, a reprisal, and so on.

However, this is what you didn’t do.

You didn’t look objectively at the situation.

Instead, you got sucked into the ol it’s “us” against “them.”

Divide and conquer.

Here, let me help you get your foot out of that trap.

That’s better…

Now, let me show you what you missed in Kirby’s statement.

Kirby said,

“Iran is backing these groups.”

That’s the key right there.

“Iran is backing these groups…”

So as a nation, we’re all PO’d about it, and we have an opponent to aim our anger at.

However, let’s be wiser than a herd of sheep here.

Now, forget about the words “Iran is” in that statement, and instead replace it with “The United States is.”

Ahh, did a flicker of light just go off?

I hope so.

Look, if we’re going to be PO’d as a nation and direct our power and weapons of death at Iran since “Iran is backing these groups,” then by the same token, Russia should direct their power and weapons of death at us. Hey, the United States is “backing” Ukraine to the tune of billions of dollars in weapons of war.

I can already hear some of the faithful.

“Ahh, that’s different, we have to stop Putin.”

I know, I know, it’s always different.

The fact of the matter is, if you buy into these narratives, you’ve been sucked by someone else’s narrative, not reality. If it’s okay for the United States to fund another nation or group, in order to kill another nation’s people, then it’s okay for Iran to attack our troops.


It’s the same thing.

We just don’t like it because our boys got killed.

No one wants to lose their own.

But folks, this is the big leagues.

If our nation is going to fund Ukraine and Israel — nations that do not concern our national security — and we get punched in the mouth, then you knew it was coming. I mean, our government is ticked that Iran supposedly backed these groups and these groups whacked us.

Yet, we’re doing the same thing to Russia — by supporting Ukraine — and all the Arabs in the Middle East — by supporting Israel. Yet, the media and our government are not going to point that out to you.


It’s not the national agenda.

The agenda is to prop up specific nations that will conform to our national agenda.


Our nation is the biggest driver of globalism on the planet.

Tell me you can see that…

When you read in the Book of Revelation about Babylon, that’s a global government. One our nation is striving to put together. Just look at all the global organizations and see how much we contribute. We contribute the most cash and assets.

Anyway, I hope you understand, if we’re going to support “proxies” like Ukraine and Israel. Then you better expect your foe to do the same thing. If you keep poking a lion in the eye, he’s going to eat you. You can’t cry foul when it happens.

I suppose you couldn’t cry if you were already eaten, but hey, you get the idea!

So your lesson today,

  • Look at the world objectively.
  • Look at your own beliefs objectively.

Otherwise, you already stepped into a trap.

Folks, you have to be a Berean with everything in life, (Acts 17:11).

If you don’t have the fortitude for it, then don’t have an opinion.

All right, let’s get back to the topic at hand…

The bloodlust for Iran is showing and I want to tell you more about it.

Let me lead with a quote from the world’s biggest Iranian cannibal, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham.

“The Biden Administration can take out all the Iranian proxies they like, but it will not deter Iranian aggression. I am calling on the Biden Administration to strike targets of significance inside Iran, not only as reprisal for the killing of our forces, but as deterrence against future aggression,” Graham said in a statement. “The only thing the Iranian regime understands is force. Until they pay a price with their infrastructure and their personnel, the attacks on U.S. troops will continue.”


Ahh, but we expect that chatter from Graham.

So then, what are some other folk in Congress saying, (quotes: Axios)?

  • Senate Minority Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called for “serious, crippling coststo Iran, “not only on front-line terrorist proxies, but on their Iranian sponsors who wear American blood as a badge of honor.”
  • “The only answer to these attacks must be devastating military retaliation against Iran’s terrorist forces, both in Iran and across the Middle East,” said Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.). “Anything less will confirm Joe Biden as a coward unworthy of being commander-in-chief.”
  • Sen. John Cornyn, in a post on the social media site X, said: “Target Tehran,” later specifying that he wants the U.S. to strike Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. and its Quds Force branch.
  • Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, “We should find smart Iranian targets that are low risk of our aircraft getting shot down and teach Iran a lesson,” he said.

Those are some big names in there folks.

They all want some Iranian blood.

So the Iranian drama is once again continuing to play out.

Look, this is no surprise…

Once the Israel-Hamas war started, I knew this had the potential to be on the roadmap. Then it became apparent that it was when high-ranking Israeli officials said, they should strike Iran who they believe is behind the Hamas attacks on Israel.

Yes, I do think there are Biblical implications here…

I have always thought Iran is tied to the Book of Daniel. I have a study titled, “Daniel’s Vision,” you might want to give it a read.

So this dumpster fire continues to burn with intensity. If Iran is attacked, then this war in the Middle East will break out, it’s going to be a real you know what show. Had the United States not interfered and supported Israel, a nation smaller than New Jersey, we wouldn’t even be in this mess.

Always remember, you’re a Christian.

You back God before anyone else.

You back God before any other perceived agenda.

Never forget it.

Ohh, and before I go…

President Biden said of the terror attack, we “shall respond.”

The clouds of doom are rolling in.

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