Jesus Gives Us Peace, Unlike The World

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27

What was Jesus getting at here?

Christ was talking about spiritual peace.

The Bible, God’s Holy Word brings peace to our heart, mind, and soul. When you’re having a horrible day, just sit down and open Scripture, it settles the mind. Scripture is calming, especially if you’re reading through some of the Psalms.

The Word of God brings peace over us like a warm blanket. It brings calm and comfort. Comfort in knowing, there is something much bigger than ourselves out there.

That “something” is God.

So we take peace in Him.

We take peace knowing, that if we believe in Jesus Christ, we will obtain eternal life in God’s Kingdom. We will become a part of that future and magnificent Kingdom. It will be empty of hurt, pain, and suffering. Instead, it will be filled with laughter, joy, and peace.

Thinking about this, and just understanding we are saved in Jesus brings that peace.

It brings a calming effect over us that lasts a lifetime.

As you read this, you probably even feel that sense of calm right now…

However, the world does the exact opposite.

The world tells you about peace. The world tells you it’s making the world a better place. We hear this daily from the news, our governments, and organizations. Yet, we never see any real change for the better. We never see any real peace.

Instead, we see pain and suffering brought about through the actions of men. We watch as minor conflicts in our world turn into big conflicts. They consume cities, states, and nations. They consume the people involved in them. Quickly, the supposed peace the world offered, turns to bloodshed.

Though it’s still sold to us as “peace.”

That’s what Jesus was talking about.

Jesus was telling us, His peace is real, unlike our world that cries for peace, but delivers the opposite.

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