If The Jews Are God’s Chosen People, What Are You Worried About?

For decades, Christians have been taught the Jews are God’s chosen people.

We’ve been taught, “Judeo-Christian values” bind us together.

Personally, I don’t believe that.

However, I don’t want to talk about that right now.

Instead, in a moment, I’m going to ask you a faith-challenging question.

Christian Support For Israel

Christians overwhelmingly believe the United States has a duty to protect Israel, since they believe, the Jews are God’s chosen people. That’s one of the main reasons why Christians don’t mind the United States sending Israel $4 billion dollars a year in economic aid.

I want you to understand, the United States has provided Israel with over $158 billion dollars since its founding, and Israel wants another $10 billion for the latest war.

Let it be known, Israel’s Iron Dome is thanks to the United States, including their military capabilities. If it were not for the United States, it’s doubtful Israel would even exist at this juncture of history.

My point

The United States has done a tremendous amount for Israel, all without anything tangible in return.

So now, the world faces a potential World War III catalyst.

All over the Israel-Hamas situation that continues to develop.

Assessing The War

I think we all realize the attack on Israel by Hamas was tragic and horrific. I hope we also understand, the Israeli response in Gaza was tragic and horrific. Civilian population centers are being bombed in massive air assaults. The amount of civilian casualties are astounding.

Even U.S. President Joe Biden cautioned “Israel not to be blinded by rage.”

I mean, Hamas are terrorists, so I expect that from them, but not from Israel.

Now, when the Israeli military was asked what the Gaza ground invasion would look like, they said they weren’t sure. When the United States asked Israel what the government of Gaza would look like after Israel destroys Hamas, Israel said they didn’t know.

So, the United States pressured Israel for a plan, and the U.S. stepped in to help shape the ground operation.

We also know, the United States has two aircraft carrier strike groups off the coast of Israel, along with thousands of combat Marines. So all the signs indicate a massive escalation is on the horizon. That escalation will kick into high gear once Israeli troops enter Gaza.

That event may trigger Hezbollah to become involved, and that will set off a whole new war front.

You understand the concern I hope…

You understand United States men and women may be called upon for yet another war. They’ll be called upon to kill, and in turn, be killed. I want you to think long and hard about that. This escalation will lead to more war, and a massive global economic collapse, which directly affects you and your family.

How does any of that help you and me?

Think about it…

Now, you’ll notice in the news media, you’re not just hearing about Hamas or Hezbollah rockets and bullets raining down on Israel. The media refers to them as, “Iran-backed Hamas,” and “Iran-backed Hezbollah.”

They probably are.

However, they’re roping in Iran, so they can run with the “existential threat to Israel” bit.


That gets a lot of Christians wound up and waving their Israeli flags. That will provide support for the war, since we’ve been told for 44 years that Iran is weeks away from a nuclear bomb.

Now, that’s where we stop with current events.

We now need to level with one another at such a dark hour.

God’s Chosen People

As I opened by explaining, a lot of Christians have been taught for decades, the Jews are God’s chosen people. We’ve been told about “Judeo-Christian values” that bind our people together. This has created a lasting bond between the United States and Israel, we all know that.

Now, personally, I don’t believe the Jews are God’s chosen people.

However, I have a question for you

Many Christians, and Americans for that matter, believe we should support Israel in this war to whatever extent that is required. Christians will easily cite, the Jews being God’s chosen people as their reason.

So here’s my question for you…

  • If the Jews are God’s chosen people, what are you worried about?

Think about it.

Ask yourself that question, ask your family, ask your friends that question.

If the Jews are God’s chosen people, what are you worried about?

The thought is, since the Jews are God’s chosen people, then it’s our duty to protect them.

However, if the Jews are God’s chosen people, why are we worried about protecting them?

  • Does God need Americans to protect “His chosen?”
  • Is God incapable of doing it Himself?
  • Are we mightier than God?

I mean, where’s your faith brothers and sisters?

If the Jews are God’s chosen people, then Jesus Christ will certainly appear to save them from extermination. God will stop the rockets and missiles and save the Israelis.

That is, if they’re God’s chosen.

Now, when you read the Old Testament, no country ever came to save Israel’s bacon, did they?


So then, who saved the Israelite’s bacon, time and time again?

It was God Himself!

God never called on a nation to go save Israel.

Instead, God revealed Himself in some miraculous fashion to prove to the Israelites, and to the world, that the Israelite’s God, was the God of the earth. Hey, God could have given the Israelites power to overwhelm Pharaoh. God could have raised up a nation to save them.

Instead, He used 10 divine plagues to free the people.

So don’t worry, nothing, and no one has ever interrupted the plan of Jehovah.

It’s impossible.


  • God doesn’t need Americans to save Israel.
  • God doesn’t need Christians to save Israel.

If they are God’s chosen people…

In fact, it’s God who sets up leaders, and it’s God who takes them away, (Daniel 2:21, 5:18, Romans 13:1).

You do realize that, right?

God is always in control of this ship called the world.

The fact of the matter is, God Himself always protected Israel when they needed protecting. So God does not need the United States to step in and play God. Our Heavenly Father is more than capable of protecting the Jews if they are God’s chosen people.

But if they’re not, then He will not save them, and He will not protect them.

You also want to remember, at times, God even sent enemies against Israel, as they turned to grievous sin. God did that to cleanse them, and teach them a lesson. So, if the Jews are God’s chosen people, perhaps He wants to teach them a lesson.

What am I referring to you ask…

  • You do understand what “Judeo-Christian values” are?
  • You do understand what Talmudic Jews believe?

The following is a short summary of verses found in the Talmud, the Jewish holy book.

  1. Jews can lie and deceive gentiles.
  2. Jews can steal from gentiles.
  3. Jews can murder gentiles.
  4. Gentiles deserve death for hitting Jews.
  5. Slapping a Jew is like slapping God.
  6. Disregarding rabbis deserves death.
  7. Jews can have sex with 3-year-old girls.
  8. Jews can have gay sex with 9-year-old boys.
  9. Gentiles enjoy bestiality.
  10. Gentiles prefer Jewish animals for sex instead of wives.
  11. Gentiles are animals, not people.
  12. Hell has no power over Jews.
  13. Jews say the Christian Bible is wicked.
  14. Jews say Jesus is boiling in excrement.
  15. Jews have triumphed over God.

Are those really the values you want Americans to die for?

Are those really values that bind Christians and Jews together?

My friends, the foundation of Israel was and still is based on the concept of a “Jewish State.” Being, a religious state revolving around the Rabbinical teachings found in the Talmud.

If the Jews are God’s chosen people, then according to the Bible, God must be extremely upset with them for embracing such false doctrine. Their doctrine is anti-Christ, their doctrine is unholy in all manner and meaning.

Don’t Bid Them God Speed

You know my friends, in the Christian Bible, we’re told,

2 John 1:10
If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

That’s what God’s Word says.

Do you believe it or not?

If someone comes to you with a doctrine that is not Biblical, don’t invite them into your house, and certainly don’t bid them “God speed.”

Let me tell you what “God speed” means.

To be full of “cheer”, calmly happy, be well, be glad, greeting, hail, joy (-fully), rejoice.

God’s telling you, for anyone who brings a non-Christian doctrine before you:

  • Don’t greet them.
  • Don’t rejoice for them.
  • Don’t be glad for them.

For if you do…

2 John 1:11
“…he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”

Do you understand that?

If you endorse someone who brings you an anti-Christian doctrine, you are partaking of their evil deeds. That means you are committing sin.

  • The Jewish state is full of evil deeds and sin.
  • Judaism is full of evil deeds and sin.

Look, whether or not you believe the Jews are God’s chosen people is irrelevant.

They endorse a book of wickedness, and you want to join yourself to that?

That notion completely contradicts the Bible.

We do not “greet,” “rejoice,” or be “glad” for anyone just because we think they’re God’s chosen people. Instead, we always support what is right and true. We don’t support wickedness, and when you support the “Jewish State” as a Christian, you are supporting wickedness.

My Christian brothers and sisters, don’t forget, God is going to snuff out all evil and wickedness one day.

Do you really want to get in His way?

Nevertheless, if you still believe the Jews are God’s chosen people…

Then step back, and let God reveal Himself, as He always did in the past to save them.

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