Belief In God Dips To Another Record Low

Unfortunately, in America, our belief in God has dipped to a new record low.

It’s not all bad news though, I found an interesting detail we will talk about.

First, let’s take a look at the historical trend from Pews latest poll.

It’s interesting to note, even in 2011, 92% of Americans still believed in God. So this downward trend is truly something more modern. We can thank our liberal education centers, the media, and left-leaning government for this now downward spiral in belief.

That’s not an exaggeration as we are going to learn.

Pew began keeping these records back in 1944. Since that time, we can see a fairly constant belief in God until 2013, when Americans really started to drift from Him. That’s not even a 10-year span of time, but Americans are continuing to veer from our Heavenly Father.

The natural question then becomes…


I am glad you asked.

Pew did us a solid by breaking down their results into subgroups.

Let’s take a look.

What did you notice?

Go ahead, take another look, I’ll wait.

Now let’s compare notes.

As I scanned this list, I noticed the 18-29 years old age group dropped from 78% to 68% over the course of just five years. That’s a significant amount! In my mind, we can thank Godless colleges for some of this, and social media for another large chunk.

Young peoples minds are shaped in ways the generations of the past never experianced.

However, that’s still not the most noteworthy item in my opinion, it’s this screenshot which I took from the above graphic.

It’s how our ideological makeup has been altered.

  • The green bar results represent the number of Americans by an ideology that believed in God in 2017.
  • The blue bar results represent the number of Americans by an ideology that believe in God in 2022.

Respondents who identified as either Republicans, Independent, Conservative and Moderate only lost a few percentage points. However, 11-12% of Democrats and liberals do not believe in God compared to those from 2017.

That’s a major, major shift!

In 2017, 87% of Americans believed in God. Today, 81% which amounts to a 6% downward swing. Yet, we see that Democrats and liberals made up the majority of this dramatic anti-God shift.

In reality, we see Conservative minded individuals really have not lost sight of God. It’s the liberals who continue to veer further and further away from Him. I think we can pin much of this blame on the dramatic rise of liberal institutions and their radicalization.

Much of which has come to light in recent years.

The fact that evolution is taught in public school is also a major contributing factor.

There is something else I want to point out here.

When Americans Say They Believe in God, What Do They Mean?

Pew has another poll, though a bit dated from 2018.

It asks the question I prefer, being,

“Do you believe in God as described in the Bible?”

The results tell us, just 56% of Americans believe in the God of the Bible.

That’s the true percent of Christians, those who actually believe in the God of the Bible. Not some other fabled god or force.

When we break this down, we still find political ideology in the mix.

As we can see, 70% of Republicans and those who lean in that direction believe in the God of the Bible. While just 45% of Democrats do.

What a tremendous difference in belief.


Everything we have covered in this article tells us a few things.

Over the last ten years, our nation has and continues to undergo a dramatic change in the core beliefs we have all held since its inception. We now have something called the radical left that has divisively deviated from our culture and history.

Day by day, they continue to tell us we must embrace their ideology to be fair and inclusive.

I think more and more people are now realizing, this is a tremendous mistake. It’s a tremendous mistake to deviate from our culture that embraced God and natural law. Values that brought about the most prosperous nation in world history.

Let the left continue to deny God at their own peral, and the right continue to shout His name!

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