Liberals Live In Fear

I actually did not want to do any news today, so let’s have some conversation, and throw a little news into this one.

We have all seen the headlines that liberal California has more infections than anywhere else in the nation, more than other countries even. No surprise, there are about 40 million people in this state.

Further, it’s no surprise since the PCR tests are fraudulent. They produce a tremendous amount of false positives (more on this later). So the cases of COVID-19 seem high, when in reality they are not.

Now, look at the third most populous state, Florida (21 million people). Everything is open there, life moves on, people don’t have to wear masks at every venue. Life is much better.

So there is this massive perception that has been created for us. The mainstream media has created this perception, and the government has helped it along. I bet a lot of people think camping does not exist right now. It does, even in the Golden State of California.

No wonder Johns Hopkins discovered COVID-19 has created NO excess deaths!

Hey, if the lockdowns worked people, the cases would not keep going up. The fact they keep going up shows you what a farce this COVID thing really this. They say the cases go up, so the liberals can lock us down some more. Even the so-called conservative governments have done this to us.

Remember, it’s not a Republican verse Democrat thing. We are talking about an ideology. One ideology says they love God, the other just flat out hates the Guy.

Then we have people like you and I. We show God we love Him by our actions, ahh, what a difference right…

So the liberals in Oregon, that would be Kate Brown, the Governor, just extended the state’s lockdown from January 2nd to March 3rd!

You know, a lot of liberals are non-believers, and it’s no wonder why they are so scared of death. Hey, if all you have is this one life, then when you hit the dirt, that’s it. So they want to make the most of it. I feel this scares the general population of liberals much more than conservative folks.

Liberals like Brown are power hungry, maybe even evil. No one continues to lockdown citizens, removing their rights, and can love the Lord. My opinion alright?

Here is a personal story. We have a friend, a really good friend. She understands COVID narrative is a bunch of fear and hype. Unfortunately, some of her family members do not. Without getting into details, she provided an article to a COVID hype believing family member. This article was written by the family member’s own doctor!

The doctor wanted to calm the fears in the public that hospitals are overflowing in their area. The doctor said, hospitals are at 75% capacity which is normal for this time of year. He went on to add, if they go to 100%, no problems at all. Now there was a doc with common sense!

Now you would think this would have convinced the family member to shy away from the hype, but nope, unfortunately not. The problem, we have subjected ourselves to far too much media. When we see something on a screen, that suddenly becomes the truth, as if that screen is God Himself.

I want you to think about that, and I am penning an article to make us…


If you are a liberal, then hey, come on into the Light. We invite you on our journey through life, but you will have to leave the fear behind. Fear has no place in the heart of a God believing Christian. We all stumble, but together by God’s side, we will make it through these dark times.

Hey, we have proved it all year long. COVID-19 is a lie, a grant scheme to radically change our world, and that is not going away. As the days move on, more lies will follow, so we are going to have to become far wiser than we are today. We are going to have to think more than we have in the past, and we must use God’s Word now more than ever before to be our Guide.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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