Look At The Fear And Paranoia In Our World

A quick glance at the headlines of today and the mainstream media would have us believe the world has spun off its axis. Yet, when I look outside, the sun is out, and the birds are still chirping away.

Bloomberg is running this headline,

Americans Are Frantically Buying Military Gear Before The Election

Here’s how Bloomberg opens that article.

Conflict is on America’s streets in 2020, and “tactical apparel” has become a lifestyle industry serving militarized law-enforcement agents and the freelance gunmen who emulate them. Less than two weeks before Election Day, orders are rolling in.

Conflict is on the streets in 2020?

Sure, from the radical left, in a few major cities, all contained within a few city blocks.

Talk about fear mongering here!

What they are trying to do here is cause chaos in the streets no matter the results of the elections. The mainstream media, and their handlers are not looking to divide this country, they are seeking to break it in half.

The talk of social unrest is not just confined to the United States.

IMF Concerned Over Post-COVID Social Unrest Across Latin America

Reuters reported,

The International Monetary Fund is concerned that social unrest will make a comeback in “lots of countries” across Latin America once the COVID-19 pandemic recedes, a top IMF official said on Thursday.

They go on to explain, coming out of the pandemic, the “level of poverty and income distribution” will be even worse than it was before the pandemic.

Talk about stating the obvious. They created this crisis. These people are not stupid. They knew and we all knew, if you lockdown the global economy people will become poor. Hello!

Social Unrest

So all the rage is social unrest.

Now who could benefit from that?

Those who wish to see the current global order collapse in order to establish a new world order. I don’t know about you, but I have never seen such talk in my life.

For The Record

Talk of riots in the streets of America over the election results is hype. While the lefties may riot, I do not see conservative people doing that no matter the outcome.

That will not stop the mainstream media from trying to scare you though. When you scare people, you can persuade them to do anything, to give up anything in order to maintain “peace and safety”.

Never forget that.

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