Looming Evictions May Soon Make 28 Million Homeless In U.S.

CNBC ran this headline and it is easy to see why this is a real possibility… Governments both local, city, state, and federal have created a crisis when a crisis never needed to exist. The crisis is COVID-19 which has been used to instil fear into the people which has resulted in the shutdown of businesses.

This has been absolutely disastrous for economies around the world, much less here at home in the United States.

Now we hear about Walgreens planning to lay off 4,000 employees while Wells Fargo plans to ax thousands. As we have seen from the COVID-19 pandemic, this will lead to more layoffs, essentially a snowball effect of massive negative proportions.

This is all by design.

Numerous health studies have shown COVID-19 kills just 0.1% of those infected, while the CDC admits the mortality rate is 0.4%. These are flu-like death rates. We need to continue to remind people of this, our world is spinning out of control over a non-crisis.

Oddly enough, the mainstream media finally acknowledged Lysol kills COVID-19, something we reported on months ago.

The fact that COVID-19 propaganda continues to be spread documents this is an agenda, one about control and radically transforming our world.

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