Michigan Supreme Court Demands Lockdown Lifted Immediately

We have been saying since the beginning, the lockdowns are illegal, the mask rules are illegal. They are not laws, they are decrees. The Michigan Supreme Court agrees.

On October 2nd, the Michigan Supreme Court struck down the illegal lockdown orders of radical Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Immediately afterward, Whitmer kept the illegal lockdown orders in place defying the court.

To make matters worse, three days ago, the Michigan State Health Department issued its own emergency order keeping many of the illegal COVID restrictions Whitmer imposed in place.

The saga continues to unfold.

Yesterday, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled their October 2nd decision which struck down the illegal lockdown orders are in effect immediately. That should have been indicated in the original ruling.

Nevertheless, the Court added,

“Executive orders issued under that act are of no continuing legal effect. This order is effective upon entry.”

Detroit Free Press

The Michigan Supreme Court has made it clear, the Governor’s decrees are of no effect. Which means, they have no power.

Speaker of the Michigan House, Lee Chatfield had this to say,

According to the court ruling, the Governor’s orders are of no effect. That means, the citizens of the state of Michigan should immediately return to normal.

The only question is when do we see Whitmer in cuffs?

Unfortunately, that is not likely to happen.

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