No Fly Zone Leads To WWIII, Putin Inflation, Gov Crypto, Digital ID

As each day presents itself, the lies become much more obvious. To those who can think outside of the box that is.

You see, the government and media are tightly controlling the narratives of the hour. In fact, it’s as if there is a script being used by Western powers.

Controlling The Narrative

We can see this every day in the news.

Governments the world over responded in the same manner concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a very coordinated and global response.

We see a tightly controlled narrative being promoted by the government and media concerning the Russian war in Ukraine. If you question this narrative, then you are a Putin supporter. Words like “treason” are now being thrown around if you speak ill of U.S. Government policy.

In recent days, I caught a clip or two of Fox’s Tucker Carlson questioning the narrative himself. (Hey Tucker, are you a reader?) Regardless, Carlson has been demonized for voicing his opinions and concerns.


Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard was slammed for stating the truth about U.S. bioweapon labs in Ukraine.

Let’s have the clip.

Senator Mitt Romney didn’t like the truth serum Gabbard unleashed on the public.

Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.

Mitt Romney

That’s how you shut someone down.

You turn the conversation around, set up the ol straw man, and paint the truth-teller as the enemy. It works almost all of the time. Of course, Romney wants to implement a “no-fly zone” in Ukraine which means World War III.

He’s a madman.

Speaking of a no-fly zone…

No Fly Zone

First, we heard the call for a no fly zone from the Ukrainian President himself. That was about two weeks ago. On queue, it was echoed by the mainstream media. Report after report came out about it. Then President Biden acknowledged the thought, but said no.

However, report after report continues to surface about a no-fly zone. It’s as if we are being conditioned to accept this outcome. All over social media people are calling for a no-fly zone. This tells me one of three things.

  1. They don’t know what it is.
  2. They are nuts.
  3. They are bots.

The truth doesn’t matter.

Do you know why?

The psychological impact it’s having on people is very real. So real, the first NATO ally has called for a no-fly zone in Ukraine. This is disastrous. A no-fly zone means no aircraft or munitions capable of flight are permitted.

It means shooting down Russian planes and other Russian military units.

It means…

World War III

That’s right, the U.S. or any NATO ally directly attacking Russia means World War III. It’s an interesting and horrible thought. A few times over the years I said, if there was a Third World War, it would be limited in scope. Maybe a nuke or three goes off. Then calls for peace come.

Hopefully, that’s not the way we get there.

Look what U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres just said,

“Raising the alert level of Russian nuclear forces is a bone-chilling development,” Guterres said. “The prospect of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, is now back within the realm of possibility.”

It’s scary stuff.

Once a nuclear missile is launched, it goes high into the atmosphere, we are talking 60 miles up into low earth orbit. Then, it descents at tremendous speeds. Russia’s Avangard hypersonic weapon travels at Mach 27. Once these missiles start their descent, you cannot stop them.

I am not trying to scare you, but a no-fly zone is not an option. To be quite blunt, the United States has no business in Ukraine. Except for expanding the empire which is not in the interest of American citizens, only politicians, and the ultra-rich.

Soros: Remove Putin, Xi From Power

Just a month ago, everyone’s favorite mischief-maker, George Soros was upset with events on the world’s stage. Soros is piping up once again.

Let’s see what he said,

After receiving a green light from Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his war in Ukraine in an effort to reclaim the old Russian empire. But both leaders appear to have misjudged the situation, raising the prospect of a global catastrophe – unless they are removed from power.

George Soros

That’s a double whammy!

First, Soros repeats the narrative. That Russia wants to reclaim the nations of the former Soviet empire. Yet, every day the media tells us Russia is stalled in Ukraine and has lost a tremendous amount of its fighting power.

So then, how exactly could Russia war with NATO to reclaim their lost empire?

Who cares, it keeps you distracted!

Did you catch the other whopper?

Globalist George Soros called for China’s Xi and Russia’s Putin to be removed from power.

Why would Soros say that?

Soros is a globalist for the West.

It should be clear to everyone by now. Putin is messing up the West’s vision of their global order. Not on purpose. I don’t think Putin would have a problem being a part of a global order, that’s not what I am saying. Putin is looking out for his own national well-being.

NATO on the doorstep of Russia is unhealthy for Russia.

Now, if the world can come to a global agreement, then things will change. The problem is, the West wants to call each and every shot. So much so, the Pentagon is now threatening China if they intervene and help Russia.

U.S. Warns China Not To Assist Russia

The Pentagon said,

“If China does choose to materially support Russia in this war, there’ll likely be consequences for China in that regard.”


That’s right.

The United States and all of NATO can provide Ukraine with weapons of war, but China cannot help Russia.

Do you see the double standard here?

As we outlined the other day, the United States has 750 military bases in 80 countries. We are not the good guy here. We are the Western globalists.

But hey, enough of that.

This war is not just about blood and guts, it’s about the economic hurt mother Russia is putting on us all

Putin’s Inflation

That’s right, Putin has caused inflation in America!

Just ask Joe Biden.

Yup, that 7.9% inflation is Putin’s fault.

I tell you what, I have never seen deflection like this in my life.

Come on Joe, we have all seen the “I did that!” stickers featuring you at the gas pumps since fall.

By the way, didn’t Biden tell us he would always take responsibility when he is on watch?

I am sorry my friends, but once again, the government and media are dead wrong. Inflation has been caused by your last two Presidents who felt it was appropriate to print $11 trillion dollars. The creation of 33% of all dollars in circulation.

All that printing has been catching up with us over the last year. It takes time, it’s not overnight. Yet, many like to play political games and pin the tail sole on Biden, when it belongs on both donkeys.

By the way, when they tell you 7.9% inflation, that’s just overall and core inflation. If you want a detailed breakdown of inflation, give that link a look. Here is a graphic of the general overview.

The moral of the story, our government caused inflation through money printing during the COVID paranoia. This has only exacerbated the financial problems that already existed. It will only make the coming financial collapse much worse.

However, Russia can now be used as the scapegoat instead of our own government. In fact, the NASDAQ and S&P 500 indexes have already met or exceeded the COVID crash from back in 2020. Things are grim.

Ahh, but who needs cash money when there is crypto!

Government Crypto

Everyone’s not so favorite President just signed a new Executive Order (EO)!

Remember when I railed against EOs?

I said, ‘if the guy we like can do it, so can the enemy. Breaking the law, is breaking the law.’

Look what Biden did…

“My Administration places the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC,” the executive order reads.



Central Bank Digital Currency.

The Federal Reserve was already working on that. We have covered it extensively. This will simply provide more support where needed to keep the project moving forward.

Make no mistake about it.

A government-issued digital currency will remove your rights. Your money will live as a digital asset in the not-so-Federal Reserve bank. Your freedom will essentially be gone. If you rebel or buck the narrative of the day, your account can simply be frozen.

Don’t think it can happen?

Just as Russia.

Look What Has Already Happened

In the last two years, it has become common to ostracize those who refuse to comply with the narrative of the hour.

Those who do rebel,

  • Lose their jobs for not being vaccinated.
  • Are silenced by social media.
  • Websites are de-ranked by search engines.

The truth, the real truth is becoming a hot commodity these days.

I want you to recall these big headlines from the last two years.

  • Global Digital Identification Is Coming: ID2020
  • Event 201: Global Pandemic Exercise
  • Remember Event 201 And The Rockefeller Scenario?

Then, how about a big one, that wasn’t so big then, but should be right now…

We opened that article by saying,

Just days ago, global powers simulated a cyber attack against the global financial system. The scenario went on for 10 days, and included fake news reports as to how the crisis was unfolding around the world.

All pretend of course…

The financial “war games” called “Collective Strength” included, treasury officials from Israel, the United States, the UK, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Thailand, as well as representatives from the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and Bank of International Settlements.

If that doesn’t paint what is happening to Russia right now, then I don’t know what does. We went on to mention how the World Economic Forum’s “Cyber Polygon” has been used to coordinate the tech sector globally.

This is all very relevant to what is unfolding right now. By the way, Cyber Polygon is still active, just click the link. In fact, their next event is scheduled for July 8, 2022.


As the days unfold, we will continue to be brainwashed and conditioned to escalate the confrontation with Russia. Let’s pray that does not become a reality. No matter what, I encourage you to question everything you see, hear, and read.

The one thing above all that is certain in my mind. There is a massive push to bring about global standards and practices. Anyone getting in the way of that will be exterminated or have their voices silenced. We are witnessing that a little each and every day.

God’s Word is coming to pass on a daily basis.

I wonder how many people actually realize that…

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