DuckDuckGo Creates Filter Bubbles Like Google

Unfortunately, DuckDuckGo the “privacy-based” search engine and web browser just joined the radical left. It seems like it happens to nearly all companies these days, certainly tech companies.

So what’s the scoop?

The CEO of DuckDuckGo said,

Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create. #StandWithUkraine️

At DuckDuckGo, we’ve been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation.

Big problems here!

  1. DuckDuckGo went political instead of just doing their job.
  2. DuckDuckGo deems what is real information and disinformation.
  3. DuckDuckGo controls the information presented to you.
  4. DuckDuckGo punishes websites they deem fake news.
  5. DuckDuckGo creates filter bubbles like Google.

Now wait a second here…

These are the same guys who told us.

“[W]hen you search, you expect unbiased results, but that’s not what you get on Google.”

Hey, that’s why so many of us switched to DuckDuckGo. It’s also why so many of us recommended DuckDuckGo to our family, friends, and readers like you.

In the end, they really don’t care, they just stabbed us all in the back.

Like everyone else, they lie to you in order to obtain your business or vote. Then they run in the same direction as everyone else. It’s a brutal world we live in.

Besides, DuckDuckGo made that statement back in 2019.

This is 2022, things have dramatically changed. Though DuckDuckGo’s website still hasn’t! In fact, if you visit their FAQ page, it still says, “on DuckDuckGo, you escape the filter bubble of manipulated results”.

Not anymore you don’t.

DuckDuckGo has already joined the ranks of Google.

This has to be the most foolish thing the company could have done. They have seen tremendous growth from users fleeing big tech platforms in the search of privacy. Not to mention, to escape those filter bubbles, which are now being created at DuckDuckGo.

So DuckDuckGo is shifting from a search engine platform to becoming a gatekeeper of truth.

By the way, how exactly do they decide what is and what is not disinformation?

In the last week, I cannot tell you how many times I have seen fake news from the mainstream media concerning Russia.

Fake news. This was so fake, it went back and forth a time or two.

The latest?

Fake news, China, never heard that one.

So that disinformation is okay, since it came from our government and the media. Any media outlet that peddled these lies will not be down-ranked.

Call it, approved fake news if you want to. Approved disinformation.


  • The White House updates Tik Tok stars about Ukraine so they can brainwash their audience.
  • Twitter now has downvotes on Tweets, unless you are the President or a government organization.

Our world is not as it appears. Everything is manipulated for a desired outcome.

Unfortunately, all of this is a bigger problem than we might realize…

EU Commission Requests Google Remove Sites

When I was researching for this article, I found a complaint filed by the European Commission against Google.

The reason?

The European Commission wants Google to remove and from its search engine results in order to comply with sanctions against Russia (they have not been removed). From the complaint, it seems like there is a list of sites they actually want to be removed.

So the European Commission wants to censor speech.

However, when we visit their website, look what we have…

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

European Commission

This is right from the European Unions charter!

So that too, was just another lie. A truth then, which is not a truth today.

Just a lie to get people and nations to agree to join such unions, only to change the rules of the game once they have a system in place full of nations and people.

Back to DuckDuckGo…

Censored Searches

There is something I didn’t mention about DuckDuckGo’s announcement.

When they say down-ranked, they said the site would be down-ranked. Not just the article, but the entire site. That is exactly the fate we have suffered on the Google platform. Good luck finding World Events and the Bible articles over there. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

What other information and sites are we all missing out on?

Soon, that will be our site’s fate on DuckDuckGo search, which happens to be our #1 traffic source today. The more we bring you the truth about Russia and other topics like COVID-19, the more we will be punished for it.

It makes me wonder, what’s the point of writing the truth, when no one will see it?

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