Ontario Canada Goes Full Lock Down, Stay Indoors

Ontario Premiere Doug Ford shamelessly introduced more fear into the public over COVID-19. Ontario has now extended their communist lockdown orders through May 5th due to a rise in COVID-19 cases. All despite more people becoming vaccinated.

Over and over again, Ford explained, ‘we need to get more needles into arms’ painting a slightly disturbing picture.

If you watch the video above, you will be extremely disturbed by the people running Ontario. These people are either; blind, foolish, or evil. Residents are encouraged to snitch on their neighbors if they are outside when they should not be. All out of concern for the common good.

This is communist stuff my friends.

Quick Notes

Here are some quick notes I took while listening to less than 10 minutes of this video.

Ford explained, the goal of the new and extended lockdown is to;

  • Limit mobility
  • Enforce rules
  • Getting vaccines into arms

Ironically enough, Ford explained the COVID-19 variant’s were affecting the vaccines effectivness. Yet, he still pressed vaccination into the minds of citizens.

Further, outdoor gatherings should only include your family. All non-essential construction is closed. Parks closed. The capacity of retail “big box” as Ford put it, is capped at 25%. Yet, worship services are reduced to just 10 people!

Ford said, they plan to step up enforcement for those who are “deliberately putting others at risk”.

Here is more information and details. The best information comes just from watching the video and seeing how these leaders of Canada speak and respond. Truly disturbing.

Ontario Strengthens Enforcement of Stay-at-Home Order


  • Prohibit all outdoor social gatherings and organized public events, except for with members of the same household or one other person from outside that household who lives alone or a caregiver for any member of the household;
  • Close all non-essential workplaces in the construction sector;
  • Reduce capacity limits to 25 per cent in all retail settings where in-store shopping is permitted. This includes supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, indoor farmers’ markets, other stores that primarily sell food and pharmacies; and,
  • Close all outdoor recreational amenities, such as golf courses, basketball courts, soccer fields, and playgrounds with limited exceptions.
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