White Man Killed By Cops… Riots Ensue As They Assumed He Was Black

As the story goes, Portland police shot and killed a white man in Lents Park “after he drew what appeared to be a firearm”. Police then “recovered what appeared to be a replica firearm with an orange tip on it”.


Within 90 minutes of the shooting,

A group of demonstrators began to gather at the park, including Letha Winston, the mother of Patrick Kimmons, a Black man who was shot and killed by Portland police in 2018.

“We’re sick and tired of you killing people!” she shouted through a megaphone.

Riots begin to break out.

So much so, all police from the county were called to the scene to try and keep the peace.

Protesters threw sticks and full water bottles at officers, tried to pull away an officer’s baton and flattened the tires of at least one police car. Officers deployed pepper spray in response, according to police.

Police said they dropped smoke bombs and used a rubber ball grenade to distract protesters so officers could leave the area.

Yet, the most disturbing part.

No one knew the race of the dead man at the time. It was simply assumed the dead man was black. The reporting newspaper, OregonLive caught heat from conservative news outlets for their gross disregard for the victim due to his race.

OregonLive admits,

The Oregonian/OregonLive typically does not identify a person’s race unless it is relevant. However, the incident came in the wake of several high-profile fatal police shootings of Black men elsewhere in the country.

So OregonLive felt it was okay to calm the rioters by indicating it was only a white man who was shot and killed.

This truly sickens me to my stomach.

As Americans, as people, should we not be concerned about all people who are killed in this manner?

Is it not racist to place the death of one color over another?

This is not the nation I grew up in. Yet, this will continue as long as we continue to stand for it.

How many of you in our audiance drink Coke?

The same company peddling white hate to their employees. Do not be one of those people who think, ahh “it does not affect me“. It absolutely does. We have race-baiters who are pitting us all against one another. Look at our world. Then we have a continued influx of illegal immigrants coming across the border. This will only destroy our country more.

For you pretend Fox News Republicans, this is nothing new under Biden. Trump allowed the same thing while saying Mexico would pay for a stupid wall. It’s only worse under Biden. Same story, another day.

Meanwhile, I know an Asian lady who did something. She canceled her Chase bank account due to Chase’s racist response to Georgia’s new voter ID law. She did not feel Chase should be involved and felt Georgia did the right thing.

How many of you are willing to put action to your belief?

Stop buying, and stop using the products and services that either hate you or are dividing us.

Is it really that hard people?

If you are offended, then you probably have a Coke in your hand. Otherwise, you would not be offended. I’m tired of hearing people complain about things and not doing anything to change them.

To our black readers, stand up in your communities, and within your circle of influence and set these people straight. You know what is right and wrong. As it’s not okay for a black man to get shot, it’s not okay for a white man. When we allow the race game to divide us, we all lose.

In light of the recent shooting in Minneapolis and the expected ruling in the George Flood case, we will probably have more chaos. Speak up now to influence those in your circle. Do what is right, make God proud.

Happy Monday folks!

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