Oregon COVID Rules Shut Down Christian Schools, But Keep Public Schools Open

Oregon once again adds to the list of injustices against its citizens. Now they are allowing small public schools to open, but those same rules do not apply for Christian schools.

The Federalist tells us,

While most schools in Oregon are not being allowed to reopen for in-person instruction, Brown’s latest set of COVID-19 rules allows small public schools of fewer than 75 students to apply to local officials for reopening. This same rule does not extend the same benefit to private religious schools, effectively ensuring that parents who need to send their students to school will be forced to send them to public schools, even if they would prefer a private religious school.

Why is the question?

Why can small public schools reopen, but not small Christian schools?

There is no logical reason for any of it. We have to remember, this is the same state who had a county sayonly whites had to wear face masks instead of blacks.

Government Has Stopped Representing Government

Folks, when we come to this level of insanity, the people must unite against those in power, those who refuse to uphold the laws of the land.

Think about it.

The people in power, our governors, mayors, etc are considered government, yet, they are not enforcing the laws that establish our government, instead, they are breaking them.

Therefore, they themselves are overthrowing the government. With that said, it is our duty to call these people out for who they are to ensure our way of life can go on. A free people cannot live under would-be rulers who usurp the laws they are sworn to uphold. They are in fact treasonous and rage against the laws of the land.

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