Oregon Initiative Seeks To Criminalize The Farming Of Food Animals

Just when you think you saw it all, the sun comes up and presents a new day of craziness. This time, the crazies want to remove beef and other meat from your diet by outlawing its production in the state of Oregon.

An Oregon ballot initiative proposed for 2022 would effectively criminalize the farming of food animals in the state by classifying their slaughter as aggravated abuse and redefining artificial insemination and castration as sexual assault.

Farm Progress

Don’t you dare milk that goat, that’s sexual abuse!

While many of us may not like how animals are treated in these facilities, these ideas are so radical, no one except crazies can get behind them.

I will say, liberals, progressives, and other tree hugger types certainly do well at coordinating their efforts.

Guess who is helping with this one?

The initiative’s sponsor, a group called End Animal Cruelty, is beginning to gather the 112,000 signatures they’ll need by next summer and is working through the national progressive network ActBlue to recruit volunteers for the effort


You remember those guys. We talked about them in this article, “Do Donations To Black Lives Matter Go Directly To The Democrat Party?”

Yes, ActBlue has helped fund organizations like Black Lives Matter and other radical Democrat agendas.

Sanctuary State For Animals

Animal activist David Michelson recently told Portland’s KBOO-FM,

If this passes. Oregon would essentially be a sanctuary state for animals. Any animal in the state of Oregon would have their rights more or less codified in law, that they deserve a life free of abuse, neglect or sexual assault.

It sounds like animals may obtain more rights than you in Oregon. They are still locking people down in that socialist utopia.

However, that’s not the best part.

Michelson said the initiative wouldn’t ban animal agriculture entirely, nor would it abolish the sale of meat, leather or fur in Oregon. But livestock would have to die of natural causes before it could be used for food production, and “forced impregnation” of livestock would be outlawed, he said. Violators would face criminal prosecution.

Yeah, sure, everyone wants to eat a cow that died of some disease or other illness.

Hey Michelson, what about the Buffalo in Grand Canyon National Park?

Who cares, let’s destroy the ranchers who feed the people.

Oregon’s roughly 12,000 beef producers raise about 1.3 million head of cattle in the state’s 36 counties, the OCA’s Dennee said. In addition, many Northern California ranchers truck thousands of head of cattle into Oregon for summer pasture.

For the record, God said we could eat certain types of animals.

The Agenda

If you really pay attention to this type of stuff, it’s pretty easy to see its about limiting food supply.

What do you think that means?

It means reducing the earth’s population of people. All these climate change agendas, animal rights, etc all drive toward one main goal. Reduce the population of people on the planet. A concept codified in stone.

Now Michelson and his gang may not want that, but they are used to drive this agenda anyway.

That is why we hear about synthetic meat, cutting carbon emissions, and so on. The people who scream the loudest usually use the most resources. We could certainly work together to make the world a better place, but not when evil people are in power. Their goal is to exterminate most of the population, it sounds crazy, but follow the link above.

That is yet another goal of the globalists,

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

If you can remember that when you hear about global warming, but read about record cold weather across the planet. You will be ahead of the game.

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