Our Video Was Banned By YouTube, Here’s The Details

Days ago, we posted a video discussing research conducted by Dr. Genevieve Briand of Johns Hopkins University. In fact, Dr. Briand is the Assistant Director for MS in Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins.

Our video included highlights of this research, and all the data Dr. Briand collected was sourced from the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Even though the information we presented came from official sources, YouTube made the decision to ban our video, and prevent this important story from being watched.

In less than an hour, we had the video back online so the large amount of traffic we were receiving could still watch the video.

The Details Of Our YouTube Ban

What I want to share with you is the banning process and how we made an appeal to YouTube.

Our YouTube channel now has a “warning” and this next screenshot shows you the actions YouTube will take against our account if they deem anything else against their “Community Guidelines”.

Note the reason of policy violation: “medical misinformation”

Within our account, we had the option to “repeal” the decision by YouTube. So we went ahead with the process.

We simply stated,

YouTube. I would love for someone to please explain why our video was just banned? The information was from Johns Hopkins and the Center For Disease Control. This was not our information, but publicly available from official sources.

Later that day I received two emails from YouTube explaining how I violated their policy.

Here is the first email which ironically says,

How your content violated the policy

YouTube doesn’t allow content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of local health authorities’ or World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on social distancing and self isolation that may lead people to act against that guidance.

In the video, we did not dispute any health authority, we only presented the finding of such health authorities.

The next YouTube email came a few hours after that.

Thank you for submitting your video appeal to YouTube. After further review, we’ve determined that your video is in violation of our Community Guidelines. Your channel has received a strike as a result.

Notice, they never state exactly what violated their “Community Guidelines”. That is very dishonest.

Further, this was not a canned response as you might think, but a response from a real person. I am certain of that after reading their response to my second appeal to their decision.

This is what I said to YouTube via the appeal form visible within our YouTube Channel.

YouTube, the claim there is “medical misinformation” is not accurate. The information came from a Doctor at Johns Hopkins University. As you know, Johns Hopkins has the most recognized COVID-19 tracker in the world. The information sourced by the doctor comes from the United States CDC. This is all official information from official sources. This video needs to be reinstated otherwise it is clear, you are censoring information that does not fit what you want to promote.

Later that evening, I received yet another response from YouTube.

After further review of the content, we’ve determined that your video does violate our Community Guidelines and have upheld our original decision. We appreciate your understanding.

This message does not read as a canned response, rather this message is from a real person at YouTube indicating they reviewed the video and found it violated their rules, but once again, they refuse to acknowledge how it violated their guidelines.

As it now stands, we are unable to appeal the decision any further.

Why We Appealed YouTube’s Decision

Going through the process, we knew YouTube was not going to change their decision. Our goal in going through the process was to maintain our never give up attitude, and to make it a lesson for all of us. To document what they are doing to those who are telling the truth, and blowing the whistle on the lies.

Friends, this should clearly document to you, YouTube and social media channels are censoring any voice that goes against the narrative that is being placed upon the world. The only content you are going to hear on YouTube or any of the social media outlets is the voices they want you to hear.

A very dangerous precedent has been set, as YouTube and other social media channels continue to ban content like ours.

That is why we have kissed social media goodbye.

I will not cater to the whims of social media which is run by a bunch of people pushing globalization. I will not cater to the whims of Google who also censored our website, nor Facebook, and certainly will not cater to YouTube that would rather us push forward their agenda than the truth.

Let me close with a thought for you to consider…

A Biblical Thought

In our 2013 Bible study, The Parable Of The Ten Virgins, we cited Matthew 25:7 and said,

When you trim the wick of an oil lamp it allows the flame to burn brighter!

I had not thought about that statement in years, but it really sums up where we are today. When it came close to the hour of the Great Wedding, the wise virgins trimmed the wicks of their oil lamps enabling their flame to increase and become brighter.

The five foolish virgins would say to the wise,

Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

Matthew 25:8

The flame of the five foolish virgins burned out.

They had nothing left, they did not prepare, they certainly did not stand.

Remember this parable.

As the days march forward, I want you to consider, act, and become as one of the five wise virgins who trimmed their wicks, the five who enabled their flame to become brighter for all.

The hour draws late.

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