Could COVID-19 Vaccines Become Mandatory In The U.S.?

This headline comes from Johns Hopkins University. Yes, the same Johns Hopkins who removed an article with research by their own Doctor that refutes the so-called COVID-19 pandemic.

As for this article, Johns Hopkins starts out by saying,

The legal precedent for mandatory vaccinations dates back to a 1905 Supreme Court case after a smallpox outbreak in Massachusetts.

Notice, they start off by talking about precedent, not law, but precedent which means,

An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances

Did you read “the rule of law” in there?

I certainly did not.

A precedent has no right to dictate to you your health or what the government can and cannot do to you. That was a precedent for a particular case, at a particular time, ruled on by particular people.

That does not apply to you and me, it is not the law, and to even insinuate such a thing only goes to show we have yet another evil agenda being pushed against us.

  • Dershowitz Says Forced Vaccinations Are Constitutional Gov. Has ‘Power To Plunge A Needle Into Your Arm’

If you or Johns Hopkins wants a vaccine, then by all means go out and get the jab. For the rest of us, leave us alone! If the vaccine is so effective, and you receive it, what are you so concerned about?

If common sense prevailed, that statement would be accepted. Since it is not, it clearly documents this is a massive agenda.

It is not so much about the vaccine as it is about setting up a precedent that we adhere to every whim from our elected officials. That we place absolute trust in public health experts.

Public health experts whose stories constantly change. Public health officials who conceal the evidence against COVID as it does not fit some darker agenda.

I want you to remember, when this all started, the CDC said 1.7 million Americans could die. That never happened as COVID is not the killer it has been made out to be. In fact, according to the CDC, our public health officials, and experts, COVID has a survivability rate of 99.98%!

So why are we talking about mandatory vaccination?

Why are we talking about mandatory vaccination when Dr. Fauci said COVID will be seasonal? It will be just like the flu, she comes around every year, over and over again.

I can hear some people now…

But Brandon, the TV said…

Turn the TV off already, grow up, and start using the brain God gave you!

How many times do we need to prove to you that you’re being lied too? Do you realize the U.N. Has 110,000 Volunteers To Push ‘Approved’ COVID-19 Information Online?

They are going to flood social media with reports that back up what the mainstream media tells you. So it sounds like one big factual story. If it was so factual, why do they keep hiding the data? Why do they keep concealing the truth from you and not addressing the fact that COVID killed less than 10,000 when they said it killed 170,000 Americans?

We are entering a dark moment in world history. If you cannot see through the lies now my friends, you will not be able to see through the bigger lies to come…

For those who really want to understand COVID and are having a hard time. I encourage you to read this comment, and also this one.

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