Pixar Releases First Ever Homosexual Cartoon Character

It is one thing to believe it is okay to be homosexual, it is quite another to promote this idea to children.

Homosexuality by definition is an act against nature itself. I do not care if you believe in God or not, it is against nature and common sense. Only a man and woman can produce, and that is the point of life. To continue from one generation to the next so life continues.

That is the most basic of principals. Nevertheless, some feel it is acceptable to push their backward beliefs not just on society, but our innocent children.

Pixar’s Homosexual Cartoon

Pixar’s Steven Clay Hunter’s explains,

“The first time I drew Greg and Manuel holding each other in the bedroom, I was bawling my face off. All this emotion came welling up because I realized I had been in animation for decades and I had never drawn that in my career. It just hit me.”


That is why you never, ever act on emotion. Emotion can make you feel as if something is right when it is really wrong. This goes for church as well. Sometimes a special church service just seemed like God’s Spirit was at work, was it, or was it the emotion of the room?

You always have to take a step back, otherwise you end up like Hunter and push your distorted believes on society.

In case anyone cares, God is against homosexuality.

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