Portland Liberals Are At It Again, Pull Down Statues Of Roosevelt And Lincoln

The loony left was at it again on Monday. They took to the streets to “protest” Columbus Day and tore down statues of former Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

I laughed as the mainstream media constantly referred to them as “protestors”. You know, a protest means we go down to the corner and hold up signs or speak verbally about something. A “riot” on the other hand means we tear stuff up.

So we are talking about riots here folks. I know you know that, but those mainstream media smarties just cannot seem to figure that out.

Here is some of the aftermath.

This Tweet is probably my favorite. The perp admits to the crime, and Twitter still keeps it up. See folks, Twitter doesn’t censor people, well, unless you are conservative.

So why are the lefties upset this time?

The reason is the same as before. They did not get their way, and if they don’t get their way, well, then, they throw temper tantrums.

You see, these spoiled brats are upset and disturbed by Columbus Day and instead think we should celebrate “Indigenous Peoples Day”. A day that just happens to show up on my computer calendar which I never heard of.

Just remember one thing, when you read about these things. It is not conservative people doing it, it is radical leftists who have been brainwashed to no end. Not only politically, but religiously. Many are anti-God or so far from the truth they couldn’t spot it if the truth slapped them in the face.

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