Oreo Debuts Rainbow Cookies Promoting LGBTQ+ Lifestyle

Surprise, surprise. On Friday, Oreo released “limited-edition” packs of rainbow cookies to show support for the LGBTQ+ “community”.

Here is their announcement.

Not only is Oreo boldly supporting the LGBT movement, but they are even promoting it. A quick click over to Oreo’s website displays their support and propaganda with phrases like,




So I clicked over to oreoproudparent.com and was further disturbed by the homosexual content. Oreo apparently has their own “film” as their website proudly displays…

The film shows the love between Jen and Amy, exploring parent-child relationships and the challenges of bringing a partner home for the first time – especially for the LGBTQ+ community. The film highlights the true importance of family love, support, and affirmation.

Folks, Oreo is not trying to sell you a cookie at this point. They are trying to sell you an ideology, are you buying?

I’m not.

Hey, if you want to play LGBT, that is your business. That is between you and God.

Look, it is one thing to believe a certain way, however, it is quite another to not only justify, but promote such a lifestyle. It is a personal choice, and not something that should be pushed on people, certainly not our children and that is the intent here. Condition the young so they grow up to accept whatever is thrown at them.

That is why God told us,

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

If we were doing that, if we were teaching our children what God said is right and wrong, we would not have this conversation. Unfortunately, the church has veered off course over the last several decades, and homosexuality is now supported in many churches.

The church leaders make excuses for it so Christianity can stay “relevant” in this new generation. I have heard pastors say it and we have talked about it.


I find that sickening. That is only an excuse, and excuse to distort the Word of God to make it a little more acceptable to the world. Folks, we cannot change God to conform to others, we have to change. You and I, we have to change into what God wants, not the other way around.

Friends, the world will continue to become more disturbing by the day. However, keep this verse close to your heart and in your mind as the days march on.

Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

John 14:17
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