The Prophecy Of War Is Accelerating…

Throughout history, wars have raged.

Nations have risen, and nations have fallen.

Yet, after World War II, a new world order was established. An order that brought about a certain level of peace between nations. Wars still exist, they always will. Yet, there’s no discounting the fact, that the last 50 years have been fairly peaceful, again, between nations.

However, the present world order has peaked.

Today, we’re seeing signs of it cling to power in an effort to subvert the nations under it. The subverted nations are attempting to rise and obtain more control within the present world order. Yet, no world power ever wants to share fame and fortune. No world power wants to cede power to another.

Unfortunately, these problems are only resolved through conflict.

Conflict that continues to shake the globe.

While it may have vanished from your mind, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is not over. The United States and it’s allies continue to flood Ukraine with military armaments in an effort to destroy Russia. We’ve even been publicly told by our political elite, ‘this is a cheap way to weaken Russia.’

The common man should ask,

Why do we need to weaken anyone?

That would be a wise question…

Next we should ask what is more likely…

  • Are you concerned that Russia is going to march on the United States?
  • Are the political elite concerned Russia may stand in their way of world domination?

Which one is more plausable?

Regardless of your beliefs, the world continues to be mired in war, and it’s escalating.

In fact, Ukraine has now invaded Russia. This is sure to escalate the war. You must realize, while this war has raged for two years now, Russia has certainly not used their most damning armaments. If they choose to unleash those on Ukraine, this war will become much bloodier, very quickly.

In light of this continued war, we now find the micro nation of Israel in a conflict with various factions. A conflict that has gone on for nearly a year at this point. The devastation in Gaza is almost unimaginable. Israel does not have the resources to accomplish this on their own, so they have relied on U.S. provided weaponry.

Once again, we find the United States in the middle of a dog fight.

This fight has escalated dramatically in recent months as Israel continues to assassinate Iranian heads of state in various surrounding nations. Back in April, this led to the first ever Iranian attack on Israel. Though the event was scripted, as the U.S. and other regional players were advised before the attack ensued.

Nevertheless, the escalation was real.

If we fast forward to the present, Israel once again attacked an Iranian military leader and killed the leader of Hamas, on sovereign Iranian soil. We now have words of an impending Iranian attack against Israel, once again.

There is now a building scenario for a United States attack against Iran, in defense of Israel of course. This was further made known the other day when the U.S. lifted a ban on “offensive weapons sales” to Saudi Arabia. Make no mistake about it, the Saudis would take part in a war against Iran.

Now, this could all blow over…

Yet, there’s no mistaking the mess the world has been in since 2020.

Today, we find the United States pressing forward with a global agenda to push “diversity, equality, and inclusion” to the four corners of the earth. This simply means, the U.S. through their proxies like the United Nations desire for perversion to triumph over righteousness.

If you doubt this, then you need to take the time to read United Nations documentation for yourself.

My point to you is simple…

The wars are directly tied to a power struggle for world domination.

Now, how does this all tie into Scripture?

Let’s open the Book…

Matthew 24:3
And as he [Jesus] sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

The Disciples wanted to know:

  • When was Jesus going to return?
  • When was the world going to end?

Now look, the world’s not going to end, it’s not going to blow up and stop spinning. The earth is our forever home. So what’s being said is, when will Jesus return, which marks the end of the age. Today, we live in the age of faith, we can’t see God, but we know He’s real.

Once Jesus returns, that ends this age, and we begin the age of the Millennium.

All right, we got that.

Now, Jesus is going to explain what signs we’ll see prior to His return.

I’m not going to cover all of them, but I’ll cover some of them.

Matthew 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

First, you will hear about wars, and even rumors of wars.

Not that they were factual, but that the rumor mill would be hard at work.

Then what?

Matthew 24:7
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Then the wars will become actual.

Now, this has been going on since the beginning of this age.

However, Christ’s point was, the wars will be catastrophic. They would bring down nations. We’ve still had many of those throughout history. In fact, in the last 100 years or so, we’ve had two world wars. During this time, there have been global famines, which continue to this very day.

Jesus even told us, the poor will always be with us.

The Lord even told us, we’ll witness geologic events. These certainly cannot be any run of the mill earthquake, but many, numerous and high in degree. We have seen some of this, but not to the degree Scripture speaks of.

Matthew 24:8
All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Even though that all sounds disturbing, those are simply the beginning of the end.

It could very well be said, we’ve been going through these things for 100 years…

Let’s see what else Scripture reveals.

Matthew 24:11
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

Now this verse, this is what I really want to point out.

At the end of the Last Days, there would be “many false prophets.”

Not one or two, but many.

False prophets would arise from all over to deceive Christians.

I truly believe, we have been seeing this play out for decades, but it continues to grow worse by the day. It’s heart breaking to admit, that Christianity is a mere shell of it’s former self. That is due to “many false prophets.” More often than not, men elevate themselves within the church to serve self, not serve the people.

This will continue, until Christianity resembles a mere crumb of its former self.

Matthew 24:12
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

What’s this?

“Iniquity” will increase before the return of Jesus. Just as we’re told in 2 Timothy 3.

Today, we can see this all around us.

Cities are inundated with wickedness. Evilness abounds more and more by the day.

Do you know why?

  • We removed God from society.
  • We removed God from our daily focus.

So, we reap the “rewards…”

  • “Wars” increase…
  • “False prophets” arise…
  • “Iniquity” abounds…

The wars are accelerating, and they will increase, as we continue to remove God from our midst.

But, never fear…

Matthew 24:13
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

If you love God, no matter what’s going on around you, He will protect you, and He will save you.

Now for one of the most telling verses in the entire Bible, that seems to indicate, we are in the Last Days.

Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Once the Gospel has been preached throughout the world, then shall the end come.

My friends, the Gospel has been preached around the world. In fact, by 2033, the Bible will be available to 95% of the world’s population, while the New Testament will be available to nearly everyone on the planet. Digitally, it may already be available.

Rest easy, keep God in prayer, and help spread His Word.

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