Chaos And Mayhem Are Gripping The Planet

Slowly but surely, our world continues to unravel at the seams.

Where do I even begin?

  • There’s more chaos and war fears in the Middle East.
  • Political ruin in the United States.
  • Military coups in Venezuela.
  • Continued war in Ukraine.
  • Financial panic in Japan.
  • Riots in the UK.

There’s so much more, and I won’t be able to cover everything, but we’re going to talk about some of this.

UK Riots

The riots in the United Kingdom are very troubling. Three little girls were killed in a stabbing attack. I still haven’t seen reports on who did it, but rumors say an illegal immigrant did it. This set off a fury in Britain. There’s now thousands of Brits rioting in the street over all the illegal immigrants.

I don’t know if an illegal immigrant killed those three girls, but it certainly wouldn’t be the first time. The riots are a terrible thing to see, but the people are frustrated and they’ve simply had enough. I’m not condoning anything here, I’m just explaining the situation.

In response to this, British PM Starmer condemned the riots blaming the whole thing on “far-right thugs.”

Hear it from the horses mouth.

For now, just let that sink in…

How did we get to this point?

I mean, the UK isn’t the only nation with an illegal immigration problem…

Most of the European nations have this problem, along with America.

For years and decades, Europe and America have allowed illegals into their nation at unprecedented levels. For years and decades, most of the population didn’t have a problem with it. In fact, many natural citizens hired illegals for odd end jobs to save a buck, so did mega corps.

Yet, now it’s a problem.

Now it’s a big deal, as there’s just too many illegals, and they’re taking over the nation.

I knew this would happen in my early 20s.

Even way back then, when I was still young and dumb, I knew this would happen.

How could I have known, but our illustrious leaders, didn’t?

The fact of the matter is simple…

Multiculturalism is and always was a disaster.

You cannot, you cannot bring millions and millions of people from different cultures and backgrounds and expect them to mingle together without issue. It just doesn’t work. It’s never even been tried in world history, I mean, no one was stupid enough to do so.

It’s national suicide.

Yet, here we are.

Let me tell you something…

I firmly believe, this was initially brought about through greed and radical ideologies. Yet, in the end, it will serve the purpose to bring about a radical change to the global order. That, or everything rebalances itself, which would bring about massive catastrophic changes anyway.

What else brought us to this point?

The wars that went on for decades in the Middle East.

America was duped into keeping that war going for years and years.

Look at this…

Where do you think those people went?

Most of them to Europe.

You know, the other Arab nations didn’t want to in these refugees!

They didn’t.

They have a different way of handling affairs, and even though they are their own people, they refused to take them in. But not America, and not Europe. We’ve become the fools of the world, in just a few short decades.

So let this all sink in…

If you were played into supporting the wars, you remember that. You remember when you didn’t blink when illegals and refuges came into our nation. Hey, it’s a Christian thing to help people. However, we help them over there, not over here.

I have to move on…

A New Middle East War

It was just back in October, when Israel was attacked by terrorists. It sent shockwaves throughout the region. We know what happened next, Israel invaded Gaza and continues to wage war there to this day. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed at this point.

Then, back in April, after Israel assassinated an Iranian General, Iran launched an unprecedented attack against Israel. It was a first, but Iran also made sure Israel knew it was coming, and there was no damage from the missile barrage as it was knocked down by U.S. and allied forces.

Just days ago, Israel killed a Hezbollah commander in Lebanon, and then the Hamas leader in Iran.

This was a dramatic escalation.

Israel once again, attacked a sovereign nation.

Sure, they were getting terrorist targets, but in a sovereign nation.

Right or wrong, this will cause tremendous blowback.

Iran has already said, they’re going to retaliate directly against Israel. A United States General will be in Israel to discuss how to defend the nation against the pending attack. Already, U.S. military hardware is being deployed to the region.

Honestly, I have trouble with this, a scheduled war…

Since when?

According to the latest reports, the Iranian attack is “imminent.”

According to others, the attack will come on August 12th, which is “Tisha B’Av,” a Jewish day of remembrance, a day they “believe is destined for tragedy.”

Already, Senate warmonger Lindsey Graham has put together legislation for the United States to go to war with Iran. This is something he’s dreamed about for decades.

That’s right, calls to take out Iranian nuclear weapons that do not exist. Weapons I’ve been hearing were in development since I was 18 years old. If Iran does attack Israel again, and if they cause significant damage, we may very well hear the war drums beat louder than ever before…

Now, before you dare jump on that train, I want you to remember something…

Back in the 90s, we were told that Saddam Hussain, the Iraqi President possessed nuclear weapons. We were told this by our own President, George Bush. This justified the U.S. invasion.

Years later, Bush said, there were no nuclear weapons and laughed the whole thing off.

Bush laughed off the deaths of millions of people in the Middle East.

Essentially, it was a power grab, a grab at money and power, and one that forever shaped the world. If you’re wondering in what ways, then you certainly missed the opener of this article.

Now, I want you to remember what George Bush said…

I also want you to remember what Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu said…

Yes, many years ago, Bibi said the same thing about Iraq that he’s been saying about Iran.

It wasn’t true then, and it’s not true today.

My friends, evil things are happening in our world.

Very evil things.

2 Timothy 3:1
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

Matthew 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For the record, any war with Iran, I believe to be extremely prophetic.

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