Riots & Protests Have Gone Global

This article from AlJazeera has a map indicating where the protests are taking place. Business Insider also has an update on the protests happening across the globe.

Are We All Racists?

In the United States, we have seen more monuments being defaced or toppled. In Britain, the same thing is happening as well. I keep seeing a focus on racism, as if we are suddenly all racists. If you do not agree with Black Lives Matter, that means you are a racist. What a bunch of horse business.

The focus on racism really needs to stop, all that is doing is creating racism and hate, none of these protests are solving anything. They are simply creating more tensions and hate between races and people in general. If you really want to talk about racism and slavery which does not exist in the U.S. and any other European nation, then go back in time and find out who sold the people into bondage as slaves…

Since we do not need to go there, we are not going too. It was a bad part of history, one we do not need to continue to bring up over and over again. So stop trying to reinvent racism. It is 2020, anyone can accomplish anything they want to in life. At least in a so-called free nation…

How much longer will that last though?


Remember the Candace Owns video we posted? Now GoFundMe has removed her from the platform due to her commentary in that video. Where is the tolerance we have all heard so much about?

You see how this works? There is only tolerance for the left, not for the right and skin color has zero to do with it as Candace is a black gal. So save the racism crap for someone that can be brainwashed, because this crowd right here, we cannot be conned.

Charges Dropped

Look at this article, in LA they dropped charges against “protests” once Black Lives Matter and the ACLU sued the city. So criminals can be let loose after criminal acts, but Candace gets banned for speaking a little too much truth.

Blocked By The System

Folks, take note. Take inventory, this is how it’s going down. Disagree with the system and you are going to be shut out of it. Just like Revelation 13 talks about with the Mark of the Beast. This stuff is all examples of what it will be like.

That is why we should always support a cash system. Cash cannot be blocked until it is taken away from us.

Globalist powers are working overtime right now. Do not allow them to divide you. God’s People of all races stand for what is right. Do not allow the enemy to divide you. Their logic is null and void.

Companies That Care?

Look at this list of 279 companies (Medium removed the article, new link in its place) who are standing with the racist Black Lives Matter group. Those companies do not care about their cause, all they care about is staying “reputable” in the public eye. All they care about is their bottom line. They will agree with whatever cause comes along, just as long as that cause has nothing to do with God.

None of these uprisings are good, none of them cite God or mention Him. These are uprisings by the powers of this world, again Ephesians 6. As each day passes we have more examples playing out before us. Do not forget about the unspoken event, the global economy which is a disaster waiting to present itself to you.

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