COVID-19 Becoming Weaker

More and more studies are revealing that COVID-19 continues to weaken. Which means, the virus is even less deadly than before. This will really blow a hole in those who have an immunity passport and vaccine agenda.

Dr. Ramin Oskoui, a cardiologist and CEO of Foxhall Cardiology said,

It’s well-known that as viruses progress, they typically mutate to weaker forms. The phenomenon is known as ‘Muller’s Ratchet’. This is how they go away. They typically mutate, as well as herd immunity, to attenuate weaker strains that no longer make people so ill.

Fox News

Oskoui added, this is “virology 101”.

What a burn for those who would like to remove our rights and scare the public. Folks, continue to educate your family and friends respectfully.

On another thought here, each day we should be trying to share truth. Think about it, each time you demonstrate knowledge before someone and it turns out you are right. That builds your credibility.

Now factor in your Christian beliefs. Think about the future, think about the things you have shared with people concerning the last days. While they may not believe you, they will certainly remember your words when the time comes.

Stand tall and strong for the Truth. We have the victory through Christ.

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