Will Russia Really Go To War With Ukraine?

It’s a question everyone has on their mind right now.

Unfortunately, the probability continues to build for Russia to invade Ukraine. Even if it’s only in the minds of the mainstream media. We have all seen the back and forth in the headlines.

It all seems like blantant propaganda, doesn’t it?

It’s tough to figure out what the truth is anymore.

Let’s see what we can come up with today…

Biden’s Speech & The Reason For Conflict

Just days ago, President Biden addressed the nation in a ten-minute speech. To sum it up, he said the United States would not get involved militarily should Russia invade Ukraine. However, Biden did say, if Putin attacks a NATO member, then the full force of the U.S. military would be unleashed.

We all know that one.

If you attack one NATO member, it’s an attack on them all. Putin knows that, he is no fool.

This is the reason why Russia is gearing up against Ukraine to begin with. Putin is concerned that Ukraine will become a NATO member in the future, which would place NATO on his doorstep. In fact, Ukraine applied for membership back in 2008, it has simply not materialized.

Despite Ukraine not being a NATO member, that has not stopped the United States and other NATO nations from sending arms to Ukraine.

I can see Putin’s concern.

East Verse West?

Yesterday, Biden indicated the probability of war is very high. In fact, he indicated that Russia will invade in the next few days. We have been hearing that for a week or two now. It truly appears the West is attempting to provoke a war with Russia.

In fact, if you listen to Biden address the nation, he spoke about the resolve of the West. We should all understand, while world leaders all work together through the United Nations. They are far from being “one”.

The West is certainly against the East, being powers like Russia and China. They work together on many aspects, however, Russia and China are seen as not wanting to conform to the globalist narrative as it’s presented by the West.

When you think of “The Great Reset”, you think of “diversity,” “inclusion,” “LGBT,” and so on. However, Russia and China have both made it clear, they prefer their own cultures as they are.

In fact, both nations want to promote their own traditional culture, while the West seeks to destroy its heritage for a grand new globalist future.

  • So is it out of the realm of possibility, that Russia and China do not want to be a part of a global order as it stands?
  • Could this even be a larger reason for the potential conflict at hand, a great dividing moment?

Time will tell…

Nevertheless, Russian and Chinese ties continue to become closer.

Alright, let’s talk about what we do know

Russia Amasses More Troops

Less than an hour ago, we have this from Sky News.

The US ambassador Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) says Russia now has between 169,000 and 190,000 troops around Ukraine.

This compares to roughly 100,000 on 30 January.

Michael Carpenter added: “This is the most significant military mobilisation in Europe since the Second World War.”

The OSCE is a political forum for peace, and also has been observing the conflict in eastern Ukraine since 2014.

The ambassador adds that Russia is “intent” on creating a pretext to justify an invasion into Ukraine.

So if these reports are accurate, Russia continues to amass a huge army on Ukraine’s border. They certainly aren’t there to play footsie.

Hours before that, reports indicated “Russian-backed separatists” shelled portions of eastern Ukraine. The biggest violation of their cease-fire agreement since 2018. Then yesterday, we all saw the propaganda about the kindergarten that was attacked. Not by Russia though.

So right now, we are seeing an escalation, not a de-escalation.

Putin: “We Don’t Want War In Europe”

Just three days ago, German and Russian leaders met in Moscow to discuss Ukraine.

Responding to a question from DW’s Michaela Küfner about the possibility of war, Putin responded: “We do not want war in Europe.”

The Russian president then referred to Scholz’s earlier comment that “people of this generation find it hard to imagine war in Europe.”

“That is exactly why we have made our proposals, to start a process of discussion over equal security for everybody.”

On NATO, Putin said that “countries have the right to join military alliances as our colleagues in NATO always maintain, but it is also important to maintain one’s security not at the cost of the security of other countries.”

“We are also willing to continue the discussion process,” the Russian president added.


Every time I have heard Putin speak on the matter, his position is clear. He wants security guarantees for Russia. He does not want NATO in Ukraine, certainly with the possibility of high-speed missiles stationed in the bordering nation.

If you have a hard time imagining this scenario, consider this…

How would the United States feel if Russia made a military alliance with Mexico, and placed military hardware there?

None of us would ever find that acceptable, would we?

In my mind, it’s the West that needs to back off here.

Of course, in the realm of politics, backing off in this situation would seem “weak,” and embolden your enemy. It’s a good thing God doesn’t play politics. He just does what is right, regardless of what we may think about it.

What Does God Say?

So what does God say about all of this mess?

Mark 13:7
And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.

War has always been with mankind.

However, I feel the two World Wars in the 1900s were a major fulfillment of this prophecy. Nevertheless, “The end shall not be yet”.

Mark 13:8
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

We have been witnessing these events for generations now.

However, the last time we witnessed world powers colliding was 80 years ago. As we were told, all of these things are only “The beginning of sorrows.”

It would seem to me, in the end, war brings about peace. That became a reality after the first and second World War with the formation of the current global order, (think United Nations and other global bodies).

Today, there is a need for a new world order considering the state of our world.

I am not saying this will be positive, you know how I feel about it. The point is, the agreements fostered in the 1940s are no longer valid today. So the nations need to renegotiate those agreements of long ago.

This too will be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy, which brings about the reign of the Antichrist, (Revelation 13:1-4).

Back To Ukraine

So are we really going to see war?

If negotiations cannot be made or breakdown, Russia may very well invade Ukraine. This would not be the first time a skirmish broke out between the two.

However, I do not see a full-blown war with the United States at this point. That would be a catastrophe, and it does not seem to serve any purpose. Yet, considering what we explained above, be ready for anything.

I must conclude by saying once again, this all seems like a massive distraction. There is no question in my mind, the West is spinning up all sorts of propaganda that is keeping the news cycle focused on this subject.


  • We should be focused on our corrupt politicians who allow illegal immigrants into our nation uncontrolled.
  • We should be focused on their communist policies which removed our rights over personal medical decisions.
  • We should be focused on their theft of our money through raging inflation.

Yet, that’s not the cover story…

Is it?

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