Tyranny Sweeps Canada: Banks Frozen, Insurance Suspended For Protestors

It’s official, the federal government of Canada has gone full blown communist.

Just when you thought there weren’t enough dictators in the world, leave it to Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to add himself to the list.

We have a lot to talk about today, let’s get started.

Canada’s Emergency Powers Act

Just days ago, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau implemented the never before used “Emergencies Actto deal with the Trucker protests raging over mask and vaccine mandates.

This is unprecedented.

Trudeau said,

“This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting people’s jobs and restoring confidence in our institutions.”

No, it’s not.

It’s about implementing a fascist state in Canada. In fact, back in 2013, Justin Trudeau said the nation he most admired was China.

Let’s hear it from the squirt himself.

“There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green, we need to start, you know, investing in solar,” Justin Trudeau.

“There is a flexibility that I know [Prime Minister] Stephen Harper must dream about: having a dictatorship where you can do whatever you wanted, that I find quite interesting.”

FEE, (video clip)

Notice Trudeau joked that then Prime Minister Stephen Harper must have dreamed about becoming a dictator. Apparently, it was really Justin’s dream which has just come true…

As we can see with our own eyes, Trudeau is a raging communist as he gleefully admitted. Since the Truckers challenged his decree, he now feels compelled to implement his radical agenda.

I now want to share two videos with you which we transcribed for you.

Canada To Freeze Bank Accounts

In these two videos, you will hear Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland explain the powers of the “Emergencies Act”.


The government is issuing an order with immediate effect under the emergencies act, authorizing Canadian financial institutions to temporarily cease providing financial services where the institution suspects that an account is being used to further the illegal blockades and occupations. This order covers both personal and corporate accounts.

We are directing Canadian financial institutions to review their relationships with anyone involved in the illegal case and report to the RCMP or CSUs as of today, a bank or other financial service provider will be able to immediately freeze or suspend an account without a court order in doing so.

They will be protected against civil liability for actions taken in good faith. Federal government institutions will have a new broad authority to share relevant information with banks and other financial service providers to ensure that we can all work together to put a stop to the funding of these illegal blockades, the government.

So at the behest of the federal government, banks can freeze Canadian assets without a court order.

Why is this occurring?

Remember, this was all brought on by Canada and the United States implementing a mandatory vaccine mandate for cross-border traffic. That was essentially, the straw that broke the camel’s back. That led to all the Trucker protests in Canada today.

Canada To Freeze Corp Accts, Suspend Vehicle Insurance


This is about following the money. This is about stopping the financing of these illegal blockades. We are today. Serving notice if your truck is being used in these illegal blockades, your corporate accounts will be frozen. The insurance on your vehicle will be suspended. Send your semi-trailers home.

The Canadian economy needs them to be doing legitimate work, not to be illegally making us all poor.

Do you see how governments operate?

It’s okay to remove your freedoms and liberties. It’s okay to make you rot in your home for two years over COVID, but you dare fight back and they will destroy you.

I tell you what, if all Canadians band together, they will not be able to destroy you. Law Enforcement, join the people, be on the side of freedom for the people.

Unfortunately, there is more bad news.

Tow-Truck Companies To Be Punished

According to the New York Times,

Tow-truck operators, who have been reluctant to cooperate with the police, will also now be compelled to work with law enforcement agencies to clear Ottawa’s streets and the border crossings at Coutts, Alberta. If they don’t cooperate, they could face arrest.

If that doesn’t define the depravity of the situation, nothing will.

In an even more bizarre twist…

Canada: Trump Supporters Should “Be Worried”

Say what?

Canada’s Justice Minister, David Lametti said,

“Well, I think if you are a member of a pro-Trump movement who’s donating hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions of dollars to this kind of thing, they oughta be worried.”

Breitbart, (video clip)

Not only is Canada seeking to punish the Truckers who are legally protesting. The government is now coming after those who are supporting them through donations.

Even worse, they are targeting conservatives!

This is beyond troubling.

We are witnessing a massive new precedent of tyranny on the world’s stage.

Fortunately, there are some bright spots among the darkness…

Canada’s Conservative Party Rebukes Trudeau

Canada’s Conservative party continues to rebuke Prime Minister Trudeau in parliament. When watching these sessions, it’s really just back and forth. Trudeau never answers questions and is never forced to.

These videos in of themselves show just how inept government really is.

Canadian Civil Liberties Association

Even the Canadian Civil Liberties Association is saying government has overstepped.

The federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: the Act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes. This standard has not been met.

2 Canadian Premier’s and 16 U.S. Governor’s Speak Up

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, and 16 United States Governors have called of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Joe Biden to immediately reinstate the vaccine and quarantine exemptions for cross border truck drivers.

“We understand the vital importance of vaccines in the fight against COVID-19 and continue to encourage eligible individuals to get vaccinated.

However, we are deeply concerned that terminating these exemptions has had demonstrably negative impacts on the North American supply chain, the cost of living, and access to essential products for people in both of our countries,” the leaders wrote in a letter to Biden and Trudeau.

Ontario Premier Does About Face On Lockdowns

Ontario Premier Doug Ford who has been one of the most oppressive leaders to date has suddenly performed an about-face. Just days ago, Ford dismantled the vaccine passport system.

Now Ford sounds like a conservative who says, “Everyone’s done with this” (COVID).

You have to watch this.

Did you hear all of that?

Communist Ford declares, “Everyone’s done with” COVID “so let’s just move forward”.

Ford also said,

We also know that it doesn’t matter if you have one shot or 10 shots, you can catch COVID. See the prime minister has triple shots and I know hundreds of people, three shots that caught COVID.

We have all been stating these obvious facts for the last year.

Yet, we were banned and called anti-science.

What an absolute joke.

Now that Ford is done with COVID, apparently that means COVID went away!

Ford may sound like a nice guy now, but that was not the case just a month ago. This guy is no leader, he is a pack follower, and no doubt trying to make political points as the political winds continue to shift.

We will take it, but Canadians, do not re-elect this communist.


People in the United States are now protesting outside the Canadian embassy.

In light of Trudeau’s massive power grab, it does not appear that he has the government on his side. If Trudeau attempts to forcibly remove the protestors, this could turn from peaceful to dangerous very quickly.

The Canadian government needs to remove Trudeau from office by whatever means necessary.

I will say, if there really is an American Trucker protest planned…

Boys, it’s time to get those wheels moving, while we still have the momentuem.

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