Share With Us How You’re Beating Inflation!


I shutter at the word! It just keeps going up, up, up! In June, inflation shot up to a new 40 year high of 9.1%!

So what caused this nasty inflation?

The last four years of record government spending. Don’t forget, the Federal Reserve’s record low interest rates have also fueled inflation.

Talk about a double whammy.

That led to record house prices which are unsustainable, and that’s why they’re beginning to come “down, down, down” as Johnny Cash would say.

By the way, while the mainstream media won’t say it, we are in a recession now. The economic numbers came out yesterday which said, the “U.S. economy shrank from April through June for a second straight quarter, contracting at a 0.9% annual pace”.

That’s two quarters in a row of economic contraction which means, “recession”.

Here, I’ll prove it…

The Associated Press said, “The U.S. economy shrank from April through June for a second straight quarter, contracting at a 0.9% annual pace”.

All right, got it. Now let’s define, “recession”.

Investopedia said, “A recession … is two consecutive quarters of decline in a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) constitute a recession.”

So there you have it, tell all your friends, we’re in a recession.

Hip hip hooray!

Once again, our government has caused another fine mess. If we had any wits about us, we would be down there with our pitch forks, not to mention, tar and feathers to fix this mess.

Since we’re not, let’s talk about what you are doing to beat inflation.

I’ll prime the conversation…

We Do This To Beat Inflation…

Now I know everyone has their own personal economy, but these are some of the things we are doing to beat inflation.

We usually buy 12 grain bread, but at $4.50 – $5.00 bucks a loaf, I’ll admit we passed on it the last three times at the store. Instead, I saw regular wheat bread buy one get one free so I loaded up.

My wife said, “Wow”.

I said, “Hey, we’ll freeze it!”

It’s already gone.

Three growing kids will demolish your fridge and cabinets. Do not invite them over! That’s a cost saving tip right there. Anyone want to baby sit for a month?

I have a confession to make…

Me going into the grocery store is actually a part of us beating inflation. I never go into the store. We send the wife to do our bidding, and she does a fine job. But I can be super frugal, so there I am right next to her.

She doesn’t mind the company, right honey?

All right, so yesterday was a store run. My wife got one of those store savings card deals. I know the pros and cons. Here’s a pro, we saved .15 cents a gallon on diesel. Yay baby! I matched that with my 3% cash back fuel credit card. So we saved about 6% on diesel yesterday.


We typically buy the good brands of food. I read labels and don’t like added chemicals in our food. With that said, lately we have been testing out store brands on some products. We have saved a bundle and the labels read well in most cases.

Another bit from yesterday’s trip. There is always a manager’s special in the bakery or even the meat department. Look out for those. My wife caught a guy buying up the managers special on meat.

I would have challenged him for the deal, but it was all pork so we passed.

Last but not least, and my personal favorite way to save…

This family of five shares the same strand of dental floss!

I go first!

Ahh, come on! That was a leg pull.

If you didn’t spit your coffee out on that one, then you don’t have a sense of humor.

On a serious note, we did stop buying the fancy floss and went to the base style floss. Big savings there.

By the way, we are not doing this out of necessity, we just hate paying more than necessary for a product or item. We save where we can, that’s how you grow what you have, by not giving it away to someone else.

Ohh, one more tidbit.

We prefer credit unions over banks. Our credit union pays 1.2% interest on our savings account, that’s about to go up again. Then we throw a little something into short term treasuries which are over 2% right now. We also teach the kids about these things including, I Bonds.

I’m not offering financial advice, just sharing some of the things we do.

All right folks, enough from me, how about you?

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